Montreal Escorts

Ask us anything part 3


New Member
May 29, 2024
I go to airbnbs personally but I definitely prefer if the person screened beforehand because it's not as safe as going to a hotel.. But I definitely feel safer going to an airbnb rather than a private residence. I think if you have allergies, it's totally okay for you to mention that to the SP you are booking with and ask them for something that you both would enjoy :) not all of us have fancy taste and want oysters and wagyu beef, and many of us even would enjoy a home cooked meal. Just ask the person what they are comfortable with.

I've had a few clients tell me they had a hard time climaxing during a booking due to anxiety and I think that is perfectly understandable. I think that booking social time and easing into the sexual part of the booking can definitely help, building up sexual tension etc. Also, one thing I've noticed is that some repeat clients were unable to climax the first time or the first two times they booked me because they were highly emotional and over time they were able to because we grew comfortable together. I know it's expensive to book SP's and it may not be possible to book someone many times.. But booking someone for a longer amount of time can definitely help in my opinion..
ty for ur answers <3. i understand for the safety part especially if you never saw the client before. i was looking at BNBs but non of them ended up being what i wanted, a spacious quiet place sound proof with a nice bathroom. i also thought about it and if it can make the SP to be more comfortable to be at an 4-5 star hotel its pretty much the same price hotel or bnb. so i ended up booking an hotel room. :)


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
I know some of you want to plan perfect dates but sometimes it’s good to let it flow and also, each person is different so we can only either give you general answers or very specific answers about ourselves.

The best way to plan a perfect date, is to read the companion’s website. Follow my help threads and ask questions to the concerned person if needed.

My favourite thread of all time:
then all the other ones are linked


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
for those who share an incall space, do you pay a fixed fee for it and is it at a monthly or annual interval? is it a variable fee based on usage of the space? is it pay-per-use plus a fixed fee? what safeguards are in place to stop a roommate from abusing the usage of the shared space (e.g., to accommodate a client who isn’t sure of their 2hr availability on a given day, the sp reserves the whole day, preventing anyone else from using it).

There are different kind of shared incalls.

• It could be a fee per hour so that’s why it sucks when you cancel last minute or ghost because they might already paid to reserve the spot.

• It could be a monthly thing, unlimited with no predefined schedule

• It could be a monthly thing with a set schedule so that’s why some can only accommodate appointments within certain hours


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2017
Speaking of shared incalls, any update on the one that caught fire earlier this year? (Did someone get in trouble? Cause of fire and whose insurance ended up paying for the damage?)


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020

Why do you feel the need to mention that you’re white? Most of us either have a form on our website or if you message us will send you a few things we require to book. Even when we don’t ask for race, some of you will mention that they’re white. Why?


Active Member
Sep 27, 2023
Have you ever deeply missed someone that you meet as a client that no longer wants to see you again
Can answer yes or no without details if it’s too heartbreaking


New Member
Jan 23, 2024
Don’t know but here are a couple guesses:
1. Clients reuse the same solicitation intro out of laziness (what is asked for doesn’t vary much from SP to SP and race/background is asked for often enough, so this sorta makes sense). Even if race isn’t asked about, so long as their boiler plate intro covers what info is required, they aren’t going to spare the effort to make the small edit. Maybe in their mind, the SP will either consider it a harmless, negligible detail or even appreciate the extra information, even if it’s not asked for.

2. The prospective client may have the perception (whether it’s substantiated by reality can be debated) that if there is some unrevealed preference the SP has for some races over others (which could always be possible), chances are it’s more favorable to whites relative to the races, so including that information doesn’t hurt (at worst it will be ignored) and it might even help.

What are your theories as to why?
Some SPs write in their adds that they don't accept men of certain races, so they are making sure to note that they fall into the "white" category?


Chick Hunter
Jan 18, 2020

Why do you feel the need to mention that you’re white? Most of us either have a form on our website or if you message us will send you a few things we require to book. Even when we don’t ask for race, some of you will mention that they’re white. Why?

Sensitive subject. I definitely mentioned it a couple of times in introduction messages. I don't like saying "White" though. I say "Caucasian", but we all know it has the same meaning.

Why? We all know why. So, I use it depending on the situation. In the case of booking the infamous Peach and all the drama about booking her and her being "low volume" and very selective, I wrote anything that I thought would give me a head start. Whether it helped or not, booking her was a breeze in my case.


Chick Hunter
Jan 18, 2020
Clients reuse the same solicitation intro out of laziness

If that's really a thing, that's fucking stupid lol

Every girl is unique and deserves a custom introduction message, which I write depending on how she makes me feel (plus her requirements). That helps standing out.
Last edited:


Chick Hunter
Jan 18, 2020
I know some of you want to plan perfect dates but sometimes it’s good to let it flow

I sometimes plan the perfect fuck but it never goes according to plans :D


Chick Hunter
Jan 18, 2020
what would be the best food to offer a SP ? (like lunch and dinner)

Before sex -> Light meal
After sex -> Copious meal

i saw 2 SP in my life and i could not climax.... i dont have death grip im 1000% sure its probably anxiety since i work from home i don't really go out that much :(

Relax and enjoy. Don't overthink it, especially in the hours or even days before the session. It's the building expectation that can be exhausting.

i dont want to hurt any1 or make my session hell to any SP

Just by saying this, you sound like a genuine caring guy, so that's a point I would stop thinking about.

Have fun and please report :)
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New Member
May 29, 2024
Before sex -> Light meal
After sex -> Copious meal

Relax and enjoy. Don't overthink it, especially in the hours or even days before the session. It's the building expectation that can be exhausting.

Just by saying this, you sound like a genuine caring guy, so that's a point I would stop thinking about.

Have fun and please report :)
<333 ty i will its a while i love planning
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