Montreal Escorts

Ask us anything part 3


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
I think attractive people always have an advantage in everything be it job interviews, or service.
Of course later on they have to be able prove their capability but even then they are given more leeway to do so.
All they have to do is smile and they receive more attention, the person giving it is usually unaware they are giving preferential treatment.
It is just the way life is.
Same in escorting the really attractive ladies get booked more often and are more popular, they will always find clients even if their service is mediocre unfortunately, you just need to go to the reviews even after many negative reviews guys still think with their little brain.
Not necessarily... what is traditionally good looking, can also often be more entitled attitudes, narcissistic, and have little regard for the person serving them. Serving traditionally good looking people can also be draining because they are demanding, and someone who rides threw life on their looks, and has it easy, often has no reguard to others difficulties and struggles.
Personality matters so much more than looks when it comes to being able to give good service.

Giselle Montreal

Supporting Member
Sep 28, 2014
Not necessarily... what is traditionally good looking, can also often be more entitled attitudes, narcissistic, and have little regard for the person serving them. Serving traditionally good looking people can also be draining because they are demanding, and someone who rides threw life on their looks, and has it easy, often has no reguard to others difficulties and struggles.
Personality matters so much more than looks when it comes to being able to give good service.
Indeed, the conventionally good-looking guys who booked me have never been my best clients!
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Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
Not sure this has been asked before on the thread but- to the providers out there what is it that you love the most about your job? Obv besides the $$$ :p
Some women I've talked to say that they have a high sex drive and love the thrill of doing it with strangers, but is there any part of you that likes the other things like getting to know new people, dining out, etc? I've been with mostly agency and spa girls and they usually turn down my offers to take them out for (non sexual) social time even with offers to compensate- seem to me that they are more purely in this for the $ and not the sexual/social enjoyment. But could be wrong!
Are you a validation addict?

For me there is high sex drive, but if a visit is only sex, I don't enjoy it. I like feeling connected to people, and enjoy the validation from people that they enjoy time with me.
When I am not around others I am very introverted, and I enjoy the feeling of the extrovert who comes out of me when I am in the company of others. At home I am quiet and anti-social, so it is nice to be out and talk with people and get to know how others live and survive. I like finding out how other people think, as it has become apparent over the years my mind really doesn't work the same as everyone else. I tend to view the world how I imagine AI would learn to understand the world if it was made into a robot and set out to pretend to be a person. So I enjoy accumulating data from all places to get a better understanding of humanity and spirituality from other people.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022

When you see someone interacting on the boards (merb, terb, perb), do you assume they’re acting/talking the same in person?
I tend to think so. Who someone is under anonymity is often more their true self than someone who is face out and can be called on their actions. I think people are often presenting the sides of themselves they hide from others in their living life when they show these parts of themselves.
I just assume who someone is in person, is the character they pretend to be, to be accepted by those around them.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Not necessarily... what is traditionally good looking, can also often be more entitled attitudes, narcissistic, and have little regard for the person serving them. Serving traditionally good looking people can also be draining because they are demanding, and someone who rides threw life on their looks, and has it easy, often has no reguard to others difficulties and struggles.
Personality matters so much more than looks when it comes to being able to give good service.
I agree with what you are saying but that wasn’t my point.
Good looking people have an advantage everywhere, they get noticed, they get preferential treatment they have it easier in life.
Yes they are often ruin it completely by being entitled, have lousy attitudes and think they are owed to be served because of their looks.
Good looking people don’t necessarily have to have lousy attitudes. I have met some amazingly gorgeous young ladies who are down to earth total sweethearts and are a pleasure to be with anywhere you go with them.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
I agree with what you are saying but that wasn’t my point.
Good looking people have an advantage everywhere, they get noticed, they get preferential treatment they have it easier in life.
Yes they are often ruin it completely by being entitled, have lousy attitudes and think they are owed to be served because of their looks.
Good looking people don’t necessarily have to have lousy attitudes. I have met some amazingly gorgeous young ladies who are down to earth total sweethearts and are a pleasure to be with anywhere you go with them.
No stereotype, or generalization goes for everyone. It is why I don't make my point out to say "all" of them. It is very much a case by case situation. I have met some good looking sweeties too, but the majority of good looking clients I have seen had poor personalities. Not all of course, thankfully. And I can attest to someone with a poor personality does not get better service, in fact they get reduced service and I avoid rewarding bad behavior.
But my good looking sweeties get the same treatment that my non-traditionally attractive sweeties get. It is who they are, and how they treat me that will dictate how well a visit goes. Not how good they look. I have my man, I'm not looking to fill that void, and have lived long enough, and been threw enough crap in my life as an SP, and a civi woman, to tell you never judge a book by it's cover.
My master will let me call him sexy, because he is to me. But if I try to tell him he is handsome, he is to me, but he knows he isn't traditionally handsome, so will stop me and deny the compliment. (LoL, and yet I get in trouble when he tells me I am beautiful and I sneer at the compliment, but I digress.) And he gets better, and more of me than any client ever will, reguardless of looks.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
No stereotype, or generalization goes for everyone. It is why I don't make my point out to say "all" of them. It is very much a case by case situation. I have met some good looking sweeties too, but the majority of good looking clients I have seen had poor personalities. Not all of course, thankfully. And I can attest to someone with a poor personality does not get better service, in fact they get reduced service and I avoid rewarding bad behavior.
But my good looking sweeties get the same treatment that my non-traditionally attractive sweeties get. It is who they are, and how they treat me that will dictate how well a visit goes. Not how good they look. I have my man, I'm not looking to fill that void, and have lived long enough, and been threw enough crap in my life as an SP, and a civi woman, to tell you never judge a book by it's cover.
My master will let me call him sexy, because he is to me. But if I try to tell him he is handsome, he is to me, but he knows he isn't traditionally handsome, so will stop me and deny the compliment. (LoL, and yet I get in trouble when he tells me I am beautiful and I sneer at the compliment, but I digress.) And he gets better, and more of me than any client ever will, reguardless of looks.
This is not about attitudes and personalities, obviously someone with a bad attitude who is rude etc.. it will overshadow his looks.
My point is simply that good looking people have an advantage.
Pretty sure most escorts get booked for their looks and the most popular ones are the ones that are drop dead gorgeous and have a good personality.

It happens in job interviews as well men being men they will subconsciously always look preferentially on an attractive lady, unless of course he is married and hiring a personal assistant in those rare cases his life expectancy and survival instinct might overrule his little brain.
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Of the moon
Supporting Member
Jul 18, 2024
Also, generalizations are pointless. I don't give a discount to attractive clients, I'm not the one booking them, they're booking me. Some clients I think are attractive have had a good attitude and are sweet, some think they can get away with certain things because they are attractive, and I'm not cool with that. :)

Yes, we know that clients book us for our looks. It's not news to anybody here. :)
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Also, generalizations are pointless. I don't give a discount to attractive clients, I'm not the one booking them, they're booking me. Some clients I think are attractive have had a good attitude and are sweet, some think they can get away with certain things because they are attractive, and I'm not cool with that. :)

Yes, we know that clients book us for our looks. It's not news to anybody here. :)
These are not generalizations these are realities of life, quite a distinction.
Unfortunately it is not something that is earned but something you are born with if you are lucky.
Maintaining it is another subject all together.


Of the moon
Supporting Member
Jul 18, 2024
These are not generalizations these are realities of life, quite a distinction.
Unfortunately it is not something that is earned but something you are born with if you are lucky.
Maintaining it is another subject all together.
They are a reality but you asked if we are attracted to some of our clients, and I said yes but I don't give them special treatment, and you seem to not want to take that answer as truth. I don't really know what to say more. :)


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
I guess I’m asking, is there something a client can do that would make you go the extra mile during a session??

Being respectful, not haggling rates, not being pushy and just being a good client overall.

I will go the extra mile


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
They are a reality but you asked if we are attracted to some of our clients, and I said yes but I don't give them special treatment, and you seem to not want to take that answer as truth. I don't really know what to say more. :)
No I did not ask that anywhere, you are mistaken.
I said that attractive people have an advantage in life going in, it can always be overshadowed by being an entitled idiot for sure.
SP are in it for the $$$ it is a business they are selling a service. A shop keeper will also sell you whatever you are willing to buy regardless of your looks, but an attractive person is much more likely to get a favourable interview given that all other qualifications are equal.
Attractive actors are the ones that make the most money and get the best roles. You are right it is time to move on.


Of the moon
Supporting Member
Jul 18, 2024
No I did not ask that anywhere, you are mistaken.
I said that attractive people have an advantage in life going in, it can always be overshadowed by being an entitled idiot for sure.
SP are in it for the $$$ it is a business they are selling a service. A shop keeper will also sell you whatever you are willing to buy regardless of your looks, but an attractive person is much more likely to get a favourable interview given that all other qualifications are equal.
Attractive actors are the ones that make the most money and get the best roles. You are right it is time to move on.
You're right, it's not you who asked that but someone else, and I answered his question.
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Nov 25, 2023
For the providers out there- do you ever take it personally when a guy doesn’t come at the end of a session? I’m low key embarrassed to say that even though I’m only in my late 20s, it isn’t always easy to pop multiple times in a row bc of my glans being ultra sensitive (too used to rubbing it out with foreskin unretracted as a kid ). Add to that the “time limit/running clock” aspect and I do end up having to finish myself a lot. Tbf this is never a problem for me if I’ve gonna without busting a few days, but if it’s one after the other without at least a few hrs rest it’s unfortunately a common issue.

Giselle Montreal

Supporting Member
Sep 28, 2014
For the providers out there- do you ever take it personally when a guy doesn’t come at the end of a session? I’m low key embarrassed to say that even though I’m only in my late 20s, it isn’t always easy to pop multiple times in a row bc of my glans being ultra sensitive (too used to rubbing it out with foreskin unretracted as a kid ). Add to that the “time limit/running clock” aspect and I do end up having to finish myself a lot. Tbf this is never a problem for me if I’ve gonna without busting a few days, but if it’s one after the other without at least a few hrs rest it’s unfortunately a common issue.
Do you mean if someone doesn't come at all, or doesn't come twice (or more)? Not all clients come twice, far from that! About not coming at all, I never take this personally. Stress, fatigue, being nervous, medications are all things that can prevent someone from coming. If we had fun together and all the sensations and caresses fulfilled your body and mind, then it was probably a good session!
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