Just a short read.MAUI/HAWAI....catastrophic wildfires....tragic devastation....at least 36 people dead....des milliers qui évacuent....tropical paradise qui se transforme en enfer....horrible tragedy.
This does not make any sense at all. So far, the carbon tax had no effect on carbon emissions. A tax will not change the weather but the government is fooling people into thinking that it will and is making lots of money off this scam. But the results speaks for itself, since the carbon tax got enacted in Canada carbon emissions have remained stable.I couldn't disagree more. Climate change advocates are much more educated on the reality of planet warming and potential solutions than are deniers. It's going to take a worldwide, multipronged effort to address this crisis. A carbon tax and sustainable transportation are only part of the solution.
This is an oxymoron because governments are doing their max to increase the population because they just care for money. The rest is just a smoke and mirrors. Increasing the population means more natural habitat is being destroyed to build more condos for more people. More razing of forests. China and India are the biggest polluters so I think they need to focus on them first. With 1.5 billion people in China and another 1.5 billion people in India they are causing a lot of pollution. And as for plastics, remember how many masks were being used and thrown away for the fake covid pandemic? And also plastic bottles selling water is still going on and neither will the government do anything to stop it.For example, the world also needs to reduce fossil fuel use, invest in renewable energy, improve farming practices and produce more plant based foods, reclaim carbon from the atmosphere, protect our forests and oceans, reduce plastics, etc. If you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem. Be part of the solution.
We disagree. That shouldn't be a surprise to anyone.This does not make any sense at all. So far, the carbon tax had no effect on carbon emissions. A tax will not change the weather but the government is fooling people into thinking that it will and is making lots of money off this scam. But the results speaks for itself, since the carbon tax got enacted in Canada carbon emissions have remained stable.
Greenhouse gas emissions - Canada.ca
Climate change is one of the most important environmental issues of our time. Climate change is caused by the increase in concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. These increases are primarily due to human activities such as the use of fossil fuels or agriculture. The indicators...www.canada.ca
This is from the Federal government website.
This is an oxymoron because governments are doing their max to increase the population because they just care for money. The rest is just a smoke and mirrors. Increasing the population means more natural habitat is being destroyed to build more condos for more people. More razing of forests. China and India are the biggest polluters so I think they need to focus on them first. With 1.5 billion people in China and another 1.5 billion people in India they are causing a lot of pollution. And as for plastics, remember how many masks were being used and thrown away for the fake covid pandemic? And also plastic bottles selling water is still going on and neither will the government do anything to stop it.
Point #4 - Maui is located in a very active volcanic area.SOME experts say so....mais j'ai aussi lu que c'était aussi la conjonction de 3 facteurs....1- une sécheresse exacerbée ces dernières années par un changement climatique/météo avec des vents toujours plus forts et plus secs....2- des plantes invasives inflammables oui introduites par les habitants...3-aussi les séquelles de l'ouragan Dora qui attisent les flammes....un beau cocktail explosif et dévastateur.
Yet another consequence of planet warming. Tick-borne bacterial infections are rising. And it's not only Lyme. Anaplasmosis and babesiosis are not uncommon. Fortunately vaccines and PrEP solutions are in clinical trials.FYI on Lyme disease in Quebec:
Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses
Recognize the symptoms and know how to protect yourself from Lyme disease, an infection that is transmitted through the bite of an infected tick.www.quebec.ca
Since 2011, there has been a significant increase in the number of Lyme disease cases reported to the public health authorities in Québec as well as an increase in the proportion of cases that acquired their infection in the province. This proportion has increased from around 50% in 2013 to close to 90% in 2022.
The number of cases of Lyme disease reported in Québec since 2014 is as follows:
The fact that Québec winters are less cold than they used to be partly explains the increases before 2020. The warmer climate enables the ticks to survive and grow more easily. In fact, ticks are active at 4 °C and reach their optimum level of activity at about 25 °C.
- 125 cases in 2014
- 160 cases in 2015
- 177 cases in 2016
- 329 cases in 2017
- 304 cases in 2018
- 500 cases in 2019
- 274 cases in 2020
- 709 cases in 2021
- 586 cases in 2022
If the disease is not detected and treated quickly, the bacteria can spread in the blood and cause other symptoms, which develop in the weeks and months after the bite. These symptoms may, for example, include:
- The appearance of several expanding rashes, with little or no pain or itching
- Facial paralysis, numbness in a limb, neck pain, severe headaches
- Swelling in one or more joints (for example, the knee); it is usually painless
- Chest pain, palpitations or dizziness