Entire city evacuated and contaminated as floods hit Merritt, British Colombia, Canada, november 15, 21
We are talking about a record here.Seems like some of you don't understand the concept of Mother Nature, eh?
Climate change is a farce created by the Liberal governments to collect more revenue.
More climate alarmism created by the left. We had climate change since the existence of Earth. Nothing new here. What is new is the farce the Liberals are using to push their hidden agenda. One of their scheme is to use climate change to setup a carbon tax which is nothing more then a revenue collecting scheme. Biggest scam of all. With so much inflation happening (due to covid mandates and excessive government spending) the carbon tax will still go up on April 1 making everything even more expensive. It is clear this is not about climate change, this is nothing but a revenue collecting ploy. So tell me how will a carbon tax curbe carbon emissions? Since Trudeau got elected carbon emissions have went up and the government made money off this farce.COP26: Arrêter le changement climatique et autres illusions
DES UNVERSITAIRES / Il ne fallait pas s’attendre à des progrès significatifs de la COP26 en matière d'atténuation du changement climatique. Il existe des obstacles fondamentaux qui empêchent les changements profonds et rapides que préconisent les scientifiques. La plupart des pays adhèrent à des...www.lesoleil.com
Records of heat, droughts, forest fires, floods, hurricanes, storms.
The year 2021 will have been marked by numerous extreme weather phenomena on the planet which have brought the climate emergency and its devastating consequences to the fore.
In 2021, the world was rocked by an unprecedented wave of extreme weather events.
These are the premises of the climate catastrophe that awaits us if the world's governments remain fixed on the current trajectory.