Ill bite..Carbon taxes are designed to dis-incentivize use of fossil fuels over alternatives. So buying a car or creating a plant with higher efficiency becomes more lucrative than jumping in your H2 to run to the couche tard at the end of your block. Over time other fuels become more competitive in the market for more applications, and because they gain a larger share of market the price comes even further down until eventually they out compete. The process is designed to promote fuels that add less emmisions or are carbon nuetral than oil.@gaby
You still have not explained how the carbon tax will fight climate change? I want your answer. Btw whatever the government is saying is the big hoax. Here is your chance to explain how it is not a hoax.
In the long long run, you emit less co2 and other greenhouse gases. This allows natural geological processes to catch up with the burst of emmissions from human activity from the last 100 years.
As for your claims that the Sarah was once a fetile belt and we will all be fine: take a look at how long the change took. If we do it 10 times as fast to the planet , life cannot adapt and we will starve..or you can try planting in the arctic now t
o establish an ecosystem and see how that works out for you. Sure you could grow things in greenhouses but the cost is 5x field half the world cant even afford suffient food now, wait till you see that inflation, and subsequent riots and political destabilization due to starving families trying to escape unlivible hothole hellscapes.
If you think this is all fantasy, look up wet bulb measure of safe temperature ranges.