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Climate change


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
'Green' clean hydrogen, produced by way of electrolysis, is being studied to determine if it can be produced efficiently and cost effectively. There's billions being invested into the technology by private companies and investors. Yet there are those who are against any efforts to even study improving the technology through innovation and advancement.
I am 100% for efforts to study it. I said from day one that technology and innovation is the way to carbon free energy sources. It does have potential. Even cars powered by hydrogen fuel cells has lots of potential.

^^^^^ I believe hydrogen fuel cells is the future, not battery power.
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Don Julio

Active Member
Jul 15, 2023
Citizens are realizing the money spent doing nothing needs to stop.

German voters sent a loud and clear message to the socialist/green government in Berlin.

Elections were held in the German states of Hesse and Bavaria with more than 13.5 million citizens being called to the polls today. [emphasis, links added]

The first tabulated results, normally quite accurate, show the nationwide ruling coalition government parties comprising of the SPD Social Democrats, Alliance Greens, and the FDP Liberal Democrats showed major losses as citizens expressed their general disapproval of the government’s green policies and immigration.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
X5.01 solar flare-The largest flare so far during solar cycle 25 occurred at 21:50 UT-31.12.23

Sun really active in retrospect 2023.
Somehow there must be an association or causations with the so called Polar Vortex and geomagnetic interactions between the sun and earth given the earths magnetic field converges into the polar regions.

A paper was published on this topic below.
But it is not free sadly.
No reference in news nor simplistic translation for public understanding sadly.

Long-Term Changes in Main Trajectories of Extratropical Cyclones

Obtained just from the abstract:

"Changes in intensity of the stratospheric polar vortex, caused by variations in galactic cosmic rays and geomagnetic activity, are a possible reason for oscillations in cyclone trajectories."

That would be Blasphemy!! Climate change not from man??

Now concerning the Stratosphere.
Man made stratospheric cooling?

Stratospheric cooling: ...UCLA

But recently the worry of 2024 is Stratospheric warming screwing up the polar vortex?

Increasing possibility of a Sudden Stratospheric Warming ...

Watching the polar vortex and how it could cause cold air outbreaks this winter

What Is The Polar Vortex?Weather Underground › science

There is now so much contradiction and confusion in "Science"

This channel below is great for solar activity daily reports.
Sometimes he connects it with climate.


Interesting the Japan earthquake was coincident with the biggest solar flare of the year Dec 31 2023.
Magnetic field disturbances shaking up the magnetic Iron and Nickel inside the earth.
Magnetic field disturbances shifting the polar vortex?? Who knows but if true politics will shun it or blame it on cows n cars.
The polar vortex in the above video is shifted way off the earth's axis over Europe, Russia, China opposite North America.
I find it really sketch the UN says climate change is mainly man made.
Any video that discusses Climate outside the framework of "man made" always gets a forced link in the title:

Climate change
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Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
Just for some humour hehe:
China responsible for 30% global Carbon emissions.
A little Polar Vortex insanity across the globe.


China must be wishing CO2 caused some damn warming​

Beijing shivers through coldest December on record Yahoo News

record-breaking chill

Even Finland:

Icy 40 Below Zero Temperatures Hit Finland, Sweden (Photos)

Yea I bet the EV vehicles are out of commission omg.
Why they show people in the photos walking around swimming in the extreme cold?
Twilight an internal contradiction what you read and see in the photos.
MKUltra level hehe. Maybe it is a hot kinda cold?


Hardly a peep about this in CBC Canadian news.
I think I see why. In today:

Trudeau goes into 2024 in dire need of a better story to tellCBC

"The memo sent to staff in the Prime Minister's Office to announce the hiring of Max Valiquette as the government's new executive director of communications said the former marketing executive would be focused on, among other things, "aligning the entire team under a clear narrative."

Great we have a Marketing Executive running Canada now controlling the "Narrative"

Whatever going on it's moving West to East.
Polar Vortex breaking down spilling arctic air in Canada a few weeks from now??
There will be a price to pay for the warm snowless days soon.
Probably a very hard snap back rebalancing of the atmosphere.
-30 nights for days in a row would be devastating.
What a nightmare if a solar flare disrupts the electrical grid during extreme cold.
We in the danger zone now.


Get the Ativan stocked up hehe
I never forget this ad.

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Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
Polar Vortex swinging over North America.

Tesla charging stations lined with dead electric cars in freezing cold

Alberta minister fears electricity shortfalls after grid strain

Electricity shortfall in Alberta the energy resource province of Canada??????
Ban the gas Cars.
Ban the natural gas turbine power plants.
Double/triple the population of Canada.

Things gonna go nuclear!

Global NewsCapital Power and Ontario Power Generation to assess use of small modular nuclear reactors in Alberta

Agreement to advance SMRs in AlbertaWorld

Deployability of Small Modular Nuclear Reactors (SMNR) ...Alberta Innovates › Impact › Funded Projects

Westinghouse unveils small modular nuclear reactorReuters

Well this SMNR looks like the future.
Small modular nuclear reactors all over.
Nothing really new. Aircraft carriers and other military projects have been using this tech for a long time already.

Even Russia a long time ago on it.

In Soviet Union, Nuclear Reactor Finds YOU!Wired › 2009

Guess I will have to dump Enbridge put Cameco in my retirement portfolio.

Edit: Cameco Uranium stock skyrocketing. Looks like a risky entry 2024.
Wish I knew of these SMNR reactors innovations earlier.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005

More madness from the Trudeau Liberals under climate change. Trudeau's environment minister Steven Guilbeault said that the Federal government will no longer invest in road infrastructure. Specifically they will not fund projects to build new roads. Far-left nutcases never make any sense. Guilbeault is the same guy that got arrested for climbing the CN tower, and he locked himself to a gas pump 20 years ago demanding everyone to stop driving cars. Does he expect everyone to ride their bicycle and take the bus? With Trudeau's mass immigration policy, traffic will get far worse.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
'Green' clean hydrogen, produced by way of electrolysis, is being studied to determine if it can be produced efficiently and cost effectively. There's billions being invested into the technology by private companies and investors. Yet there are those who are against any efforts to even study improving the technology through innovation and advancement.

Hydrogen is problematic as a fuel. Yes it burns clean, but the net energy out of hydrogen is not as good as solar.

First, you need energy to split water or to harvest hydrogen from gas wells.

Then you need energy to compress it, so you can ship it. There are also higher losses through transport since H2 is a small molecule and leaks easier.

Then there's inefficiency when it's used.

And since it's not an complex organic molecule like petrol or diesel, it doesn't release as much energy.

That's why hydrogen is not as popular as other green fuels, and you're far more likely to read of new solar farms than hydrogen plants. The IEA doesn't even consider hydrogen in its comparison of clean tech:

Solar keeps widening the gap - researchers are now looking at triple layer solar, perovskite and vertically positioned solar cells.


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
What the #$^% is this??

Thermal retrofuturism in Lachine - The Canadian

Lachine is not is some geothermal hotspot like Iceland Volcanic zone.
Geothermal energy?? Maybe enough heat to keep buildings mildly warm or cool depending on season.
Kinda like how the metro system stays warm in the winter?
I doubt any electricity generated but savings most probably.

"new very flat and concrete reality of 2024: the imminent end of electricity surpluses.
The situation is so critical that Hydro-Québec must now make decisions between new projects that can be connected – or not – to its network. We saw this on Monday with the cancellation of a 500 million investment in Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville, on the South Shore. And again last month, with this district of 3,800 housing units whose fate is plunged into uncertainty."

«Faudrait pas freiner le verdissement de nos bâtiments» - ...Courrier Laval

"dont l’intention est de venir encadrer l’utilisation du gaz naturel dans le secteur des bâtiments – prioritairement les nouvelles constructions – alors que plusieurs Villes cherchent à l’interdire dans les nouveaux développements résidentiels. Le gouvernement veut ainsi assurer «une transition cohérente et ordonnée vers les énergies vertes, en tenant compte des capacités d’Hydro-Québec"

Back to natural gas? Bwahaha we are so messed up.
Cannot imagine the energy crisis when the gas car ban arrives soon all the charging stations.


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2024
I am amazed that some people actually believe a carbon tax, shutting down our resources and going EV in Canada will alter climate change.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
A Third X class solar flare??? wtf

First two:
Sun Releases Two Strong Flares – Solar Cycle 25NASA

Now Again #3 in 24 hours?????
Strong Solar Flare Erupts from SunNASA

Sun is definitely heating up!??
This is VERY unusual.
Geomagnetic disturbances inbound!
With the Full moon Feb 24 weekend people gonna be freaky!!
The solar flares are part of the sun's cycle, very normal. They seem to happen every 11 years. Plus yes the sun is heating up, every billion years the sun gets 10% hotter. In one and a half billion years the sun will be 15% hotter and the Earth will be doomed. All the ocean's water will boil causing runaway greenhouse effect. Water vapor is an even more effective at trapping heat then is carbon dioxide. The Earth's faith is to become like Venus. Temperatures will reach over 900°C.



Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
WOW....on a battu des records hier...MONTRÉAL avec 14.9/celcius.....même 16 au moins 13 on prévoit de même dans les prochains jours/ sauf tomorrow....très très le fun....réchauffement climatique you say????more more more.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2024
Yes, excellent today, Brrrrr tomorrow and a superb weekend. Will need to head into Montreal for the weekend, find a nice jazz band, Stogies and an escort. Not in that order.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
Yea Yea!! Extreme out of range warm n cold in a 2 day anomaly. A rebalancing should be in a nice climate change level windstorm and a very sharp cold front. Going to be a very Energetic Feb 28 night out!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Le mois de FÉVRIER est le mois le plus chaud JAMAIS enregistré terre et les océans plus chauds que jamais....cela va entraîner encore davantage des évènements/météo extrêmes comme ouragans/inondations et autres.....encore des sceptiques????
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Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
Interesting stuff.


Satellite Megaconstellations May Trigger Brighter Northern ...Newsweekhttps

The study is here. Not news so a bit technical.

arXiv:2312.09329v1 [] 6 Dec 2023

Somehow the earth's magnetosphere is connected with ionosphere and ultimately may affect global circulation patterns?
Or is it a political attack on Elon Musk?
Very curious.

Apart from that another huge explosion on the sun a few days ago.
We are VERY luck this explosion did NOT face earth

HUGE EXPLOSION Backside of the SUN‼️


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
Greta vs. a 911:



Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
From the mainstream channel "The Weather Network"

Is hacking the atmosphere a 'cool' idea to offset global warming?

Vaccinating the atmosphere going mainstream?
This reads like something Aliens would do to terraform.
Adjusting the Atmosphere according to some engineered technical specification?

I think we just need another Pinatubo Volcano eruption to cool things off.
What is the rush??..Eventually a massive climate change Volcano will erupt.

Global Effects of Mount PinatuboNASA Earth Observatory
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Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
Vaccinating the atmosphere
I Forgot to elaborate.

A Bill Gates Venture Aims To Spray Dust Into The ...Forbes

Keutsch Group at Harvard - SCoPExKeutsch Group

By chance in march 18 just now:

An Update on SCoPEx - The Salata InstituteThe Salata Institute

"Today, the Principal Investigator of SCoPEx, Professor Frank Keutsch, announced that he is no longer pursuing the experiment.
The platform developed for SCoPEx is expected to be repurposed for basic scientific research in the stratosphere unrelated to solar geoengineering."

Wierd stuff. Maybe public disclosure of this was not a good idea?
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