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Curiousity: Men of The Lounge, Why are you Here?

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
I agree with you Amber when it come to face/body ratings. No for real guys you have the right to your own tastes, of course not every girl is your type. And you can say in your review that a girl is not exactly your type, but you don't need to use "ugly" or numbers to do so.

Rating someone's body and face /10 can hurt. If a girl provides shitty service go ahead and rate her service 2/10 if you want, but rating someone's body as 4/10 for example can really hurt. And since not everyone thinks the same its pointless. You can always PM each other regarding those details. But publicly rating someone's body/face is a no no for me lol.

That review someone made about me mentioning my breasts made me cry and I had a horrible day when I read it. Not because I'm sensitive (I am but...), just because I'm self conscious about my boobs already and that review didn't help. I put in SO MUCH effort into my service it just hurts when people give more importance to my body.

Like it was said said, you guys are reviewing us girls for a service you paid for. You don't pay a girl for her to have a perfect body. You pay her to give you a good service. I could say so many things about some guys' body and face but I don't because it's called respect. When I check movie reviews I rarely see comments like "That actor/actress is fat/ugly/has ugly whatever"... Because that's not the point.

This is an escort review board, not a model review board.


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2010
Like it was said said, you guys are reviewing us girls for a service you paid for. You don't pay a girl for her to have a perfect body. You pay her to give you a good service.

I disagree with this statement. For me, part of the point of seeing a SP is to be with someone that I'd normally never have a shot with being with in normal circumstances. It's a fantasy-like scenario seeing a SP.

We're not expecting perfection for looks, but there has to be something there look-wise for attraction.

Rating someone's body and face /10 can hurt. If a girl provides shitty service go ahead and rate her service 2/10 if you want, but rating someone's body as 4/10 for example can really hurt. And since not everyone thinks the same its pointless. You can always PM each other regarding those details. But publicly rating someone's body/face is a no no for me lol.

Well....a reviewer has to have common sense and class too. Rating a very low number for looks is not a very nice thing.

Usually I know what I'm getting myself into prior to seeing a SP, but if that case ever happened I'd be careful with my words so as to not hurt their feelings, and would probably avoid numbers altogether if I know that a score will be that low. It all depends on the reviewer.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Exactly, some people just don't have that class you're talking about. Some dudes really don't mind rating a girl's face a 2/10. Some guys forget that we are humans too and that those things can hurt.

There's a reason some of these guys meet escorts and Im sure they wouldn't like to be reminded, as much as we don't like being rated as an ugly cow lol.

Some men think I'm SUPER UGLY, others think I'm SUPER PRETTY, so putting on a number on that doesn't make sense really.

I get your point though, of course if you're paying you want the girl to be somewhat attractive. But if you're going to rate a girl's face with a shitty number then joke's on you for staying with her even though you think shes ugly. Like why would you go through the appointment with a girl if you know you're gonna hurt her and ruin part of her reputation rating her 2/10 afterwards...


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I... Don't think that word means what you think it means :confused:

Also I don't think there was much argument on the fact that reviews are useful, but a rating scale? That is useless for the most part since everything is subjective.
And come talk to me when your company starts rating your body and looks on a scale of 1-10 okiedokie? :)
I wouldn't argue much with a rating scale for overall experience, but for looks? C'mon..

And gugu, I'm not talking only of the Indycompanion providers, though I would say statistically speaking a majority are not conservative at all..I'm also talking about the many, many other providers from all over the world who are having the same discussions about this stuff, who seem to mainly all be in agreement as well.

Oh I know what Demographic means. Say I open the door and the girl belongs to that segment of the population that is obese for example and I would send them away because I am attracted to the demographic of 18-20 something year old fit women.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Personally the reasons why i questioned some things is because Amber looked like she was speaking for 300+ providers or the vast majority of them, while there is less than 5 women posting in the thread. It kinda feel like me saying that all true quebecers want to live Canada and become independant. When in reality its not a fact. There is a whole party dedicated to this and there is a lot, a huge lot of peoples who want it, but certainly not all or a majority. I maybe wish that not all tough like her? Or maybe i tough she generalized a bit much. But then yes i dunno how they speak among themselves or on other boards. She may be totally right too.

I don't feel like going back and forth and quoting everything but i am welcoming all your points of view. I agree with some, i disagree with others, but i also see that views is very different from one person to another.

I agree for instance that look is so subjective. I seen somebody once that mentioned to me some guy gave her a 7 for face, she really didn't like it, like what wrong with my face she said. Honestly i can say she was extremely beautifull to me and even tough it was in 2010 still to this day one of the hottest provider i met. I also agree that if the woman in front of you is not to your liking, you should cancel the appointement because you will most llikely do it "backward" and it could injustly affect your review. Its good to remember tough that a personal view on looks can also be helpfull to other members. If the guy is picky for instance, and praise a particular provider, that can mean she is really model hot and could make some guy decide to see her.

I don't remember who said thiis above, but i agree with it, seeing an SP is a fantasy, we pay for service but we also pay for looks. I couldn't care less what my hair dresser look like as long as he or she does the job fine, same for any services in life that is not related to sexuality, but when it comes to escorting, its different. But i also agree with Lexie that if you chose to keep forward with a meeting, its because you are interest to see that person and any very low rating on apearence is injustify. You had the possibility to cancel, and if pictures where false its bait and switch therefore you are not even expected to pay the usual 20 or whatever for "wasting her time" as she is the one wasting yours.

I want to quote one thing tough because i find that one very important.

Also, sexuality is just whomever tugs at your warm feelings. If you are attracted to women, you are probably gonna be attracted to some and not all, but very infrequently do most people actually have One Specific Type that they never deviate from. So the idea that a person can say "I'm attracted to women but not trans women" is like very silly because there is as much variety within trans women as women who arent, and there arent actually failsafe ways to draw a neat line between those categories, as much as you would like there to be.

This is totally different that saying for instance i prefer blondes so i don't want to see any brunettes. Or for exemple i could say i am less attracted to natural readhead (love dyed redhead tough) because it just usually appeal less to me. Does not mean tough that one day i could spot a natural readhead and think she is the hottest woman i ever seen. I like women with blue hairs, like bright blue, i think its super hot, yet this does not say im interest to see any women because she has blue hair. I could go on and on. But when it comes to transgender its a different thing. As much as society today is super liberal and everything, and i have no problem with peoples being equal in society, actually i praise it, sexually speaking a transgender for me will always be more man than woman. I am heterosexual and i do not want to sleep with a man, period. Its not because i can't see it at first look facially etc that its ok to move on and continue the meeting. I think its hungry who said he met a provider who had a vagina that looked like it had surgery etc, it made him feel unconfortable but at that point the session is already underway, there is no turning back. And you can't see such things in booking by pictures etc.

Why its such a big deal to ask for honesty. I can't even comprehend how it may offend some peoples???? Nobody said that person shouldn't advertise or work this job, we just want to KNOW about it so we can choose to see or not see this person.

To a certain degree its like if somebody advertise as Asian, but when you open the door you get a very quebec looking woman. She may be very beautifull but that person who booked her may have done so because he wanted to see someone asian. Therefore it can awkward having to explain that he won't see her because he prefer to see asian women, be it because he is asian himself or whatever. Everybody loose there time. When it comes to transgender, thats even worst because the deception go further. You may not be able to see it til the pants are off and you already have the dick in her mouth... :/

Anyway i will just REFUSE personally to be finger pointed or considered disrespectedfull because i don't want to have sex with a transgender. Its not discriminatory, its my sexuality !!!!


Jan 16, 2016
Anyway i will just REFUSE personally to be finger pointed or considered unrespectedfull because i don't want to have sex with a transgender. Its not discriminatory, its my sexuality !!!!

Or do you mean your preference. I think we all have our preferences, right or wrong. I know this issue has been kicked around since I've joined SP review sites, i.e., no black males (I'm NOT going to beat that dead horse). Hey, as a black male I prefer to know that upfront than have someone come to my hotel, see me open the door, and say, "Oh no, I don't do black males" but they failed to mention it in their ad. I know (and I believe that Amber Rose has already used the term) that race is a social construct. The point is that we all use some form of identification, socially or personally created, to label, identify, or use as a basis for making initial perceptions about a person, place, or thing.

Where I believe this may be improper, though, is where we form prejudicial opinions or beliefs have no basis in fact. There might be a reason why I don't like a short woman or a tall woman based upon previous interaction or some form of experience. But in my travels, I been fortunate to have had a basis for nearly all my dislikes (I have a fear of heights. Over the years its gotten better so that I can take a plane to most places--just don't sit by a window. But I can't get into a hotel elevator that is all glass, goes beyond 10 floors, without turning away from looking at the outside glass or else I might puke). But i also know that its just me, and won't be for everyone.

Diversity can be difficult for many people. How we as a society handle it is a part of the human condition. All I will ask of anyone, and they should ask from me is that respect be given. Trust is earned.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
. I think its hungry who said he met a provider who had a vagina that looked like it had surgery etc, it made him feel unconfortable but at that point the session is already underway, there is no turning back. And you can't see such things in booking by pictures etc.


For the record that was not me.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
The "out of ten" thing though I don't understand. What's so bad about having a numeric rating system for reviews? It's done all the time for services rendered (ie. Uber, etc).

What is bad ?
Let me think !
It doesn't help ,since it is only a opinion subject to various interpretations .
The one giving it ,the one reading it and the main point the subject herself the provider ,many providers have left this industry because of very stupid ratings
It's done all the time for services rendered (ie. Uber, etc).
Rating services is one thing ,rating the beauty is another thing ,
since beauty is truly in the eyes of the beholder




Oct 21, 2016
Well, to be honest, on the subject of rating (service, body type, attractiveness, attitude, intelligence etc...) I really dont have a problem with it. I understand that there is an element of subjectivity but I'm aware of that when I read them and they remain a useful source of information. My hobbying is pretty much limited to three ladies with whom I have an established connection. That is diversity enuf for me. The connection is all important because without it I'm really not interested. Might as well mail order a plastic party doll, though I'm just speaking for myself and everybody is different. Thing is I would absolutely love to know what my real ratings are with these ladies based upon their experience of clients and of people in general and to have the components broken down with each assigned a number or a weighting. My encounters with these people are happy times with lots of friendly social interaction. I care about them and they appear to care about me. But you know maybe they are just really good at all aspects of their job, including ferreting out what the client's preferences are based on his particular psychological makeup. I think they like me but maybe they just have a thing for cash registers. I would certainly not be offended by an honest rating that was unfavourable. I'm not lacking in self confidence and I realize that you can't be everybody's cup of tea.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Personally I do not look at rating numbers or read long reviews, if the review is longer than the post above I will just skim through and see if GFE, BBBJ and DATY is offered, once I see that all is good.
I also look at the reviewer, if it is a well known board member who I have agreed with in past experiences all is good, if it is someone who opened their account in 2011 ( the year the some blue members made hundreds of profiles, if you see a 2011 member who just started posting and in his profile Stephjones was a visitor 90% chance of being a blue member, I have seen past bannings and they have the same thing in common ) and the first post is now and a glowing review of a new SP I pay no attention, same goes for all other threads they enter. Looks are subjective to the person looking, I have seen some reviewed SP that were claimed to be a 9+ in looks and in my opinion they were GND types, body wise some may say hot because they like spinners, personally I like a little meat on their bones so my ideal would be different, service..... as always YMMV, some 30 yr old will get better service than a 50+ year old even though agencies claim SP's prefer older gents or age does not matter... sure.


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
Two things toxic to decent debate:
- having to get the last word in
- inability to accept that others see things differently and have perfectly reasonable grounds to do so


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I am totally with you STN.

I do not read the ratings anymore. I find them a bit ridicilous actually. I much prefer to read how the encounter went, with some specific details that often will say much more about the girl then an 8 on service...

As you said STN vast majority here like spinners... So they rate spinners... I like some curves. For me a 10 on 10 on body is Saphire Smalls, not Anastasia ;) So here goes the rating...

In regards to YMMV, I do not agree. I started this I was already 40, so I cannot compare the service to when I was 30. But that said, I really think woman do not really care about age. I have had many girl who made me feel I was 30 tho. I know for a fact many girls that are much more comfortable giving an amazing service to 40 something, much better then 20 and 30 year old kid ;)


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
In regards to YMMV, I do not agree. I started this I was already 40, so I cannot compare the service to when I was 30. But that said, I really think woman do not really care about age. I have had many girl who made me feel I was 30 tho. I know for a fact many girls that are much more comfortable giving an amazing service to 40 something, much better then 20 and 30 year old kid ;)


Ah yes, I agree that some women there is no YMMV as I have found a few, Kendall, Isabelle for example, the experienced ones. I stay away from debutants for this reason.
I did not want to group all as YMMV, should have stated that.


Nov 21, 2010
As you said STN vast majority here like spinners... So they rate spinners... I like some curves. For me a 10 on 10 on body is Saphire Smalls, not Anastasia ;) So here goes the rating...


And that's why it is important to find/follow reviewers who have similar tastes as yours... even though sometimes it feels sooooo alone having the particular taste that I have! ( a bit of meat on the bones for me please! Not too much, just... some!)
That said, I have absolutely nothing against spinners, and I am sure even I would have a kick-ass time with the legendary Anastasia!

Two things toxic to decent debate:
- having to get the last word in
- inability to accept that others see things differently and have perfectly reasonable grounds to do so

Yep! And that attitude is why I kinda went off MERB for awhile... I don't like pointless bickering only for bickering's sake. People with opposite points of view can perfectly argument each other in a polite manner.
That said I feel good about this present thread, as I was fearing that it would become "another one of those damned threads again" in the beginning!
Bravo guys, you are slowly restoring my fate in the community! And having this much input from the ladies has been great too!


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Two things toxic to decent debate:
- having to get the last word in
- inability to accept that others see things differently and have perfectly reasonable grounds to do so

I would say that for me the line or question ,where is the success
Looking to be right and poor ?
Or wrong and rich ?

Everyone is entitle to his preference




nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
Kind of a contradiction here?
Bad to post numerical ratings but okay to have polls and vote counting for best rookie, best sp, etc.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
...none of you realize or think that the things you're doing and saying are disrespectful, but you're also not the one it's about so you guys don't get to decide what's disrespectful and what isn't.
...I will absolutely lose my shit if this starts again, but the words you guys use to talk about them is so problematic and degrading and rude.

"Natural woman vs transgender" nope sorry, a trans women is a natural women too, who was also born a women. The term you should be using is AFAB - assigned female at birth. Gender is a social construct and not the same as a person's sex.

I can understand not knowing how the small words we think are meaningless actually have very loaded meaning behind it, but the thing is that many of our friends, lovers, partners, co workers, and even advertisers on here who are trans, and we get upset seeing the things written about them...

You can "lose your shit" all you want and it won't matter to me.

It is not your role to decide for the whole MERB community what constitutes disrespect. In individual cases it is up to the mods (and ultimately Fred Zed) to decide whether a member said something disrespectful about a provider or another MERB member.

We also have a collective responsibility to develop informal, unwritten norms about what should and shouldn't be said on MERB. In other words, the MERB community polices itself without self-appointed censors. If things get out of hand, then the mods step in.

So I refuse to use your convoluted, Orwellian terminology for a transgender woman. In any case, since I prefer only "natural born women," I probably won't need to use the term "transgender woman" again and make you "lose you shit." :rolleyes:

Natural Born Boogie by Humble Pie.

There she is again
Steppin' out of her limousine, well
Looking like the cover of a twenty-dollar magazine
She's got it made and branded
If you know what I mean

She's a...natural born woman
Natural born woman
She's a...she's a natural born woman

There she is again watch her stop the Main Street in its tracks
Looking like Creole queen
Hair hangin' down her back
I say, don't look too long, boy
She'll make your glasses crack

She's a...natural born woman
Natural born woman
She's a...she's a natural born woman

Get your track
Yeah, natural born woman
Yeah, yeah...
Natural born woman
Yeah, yeah...
She's a natural born woman

Well, I'm sweatin' and I'm shakin'
When I'm bringin' you the news
You can do anything
But lay off of my blue suede shoes
That's why I'm standin' here today
Preachin' natural born woman blues

Well, she's a...natural born woman
Well, yeah...
Natural born woman
Well, yeah...
Natural born woman

Well, I'm looking out my back door
Wonderin' which place to go
Think I'll move on down to Memphis
Pay my money to see a rock 'n' roll show
Find me a sweet-heart Susie
Together we can lose control

Ooh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
She's a...natural born woman
Yeah, yeah...
Natural born woman
Natural born woman
Yeah, ooh...
All right...


Sweet Baby Succubus
Aug 27, 2016
I'm so glad that most of us have learned to let go of certain topics which have been dragged up unnecessarily x

Something I have to add tho is like, everybody gets to decide if they feel they have been adequately respected. You probably arent going to be able to tell if you arent the recipient of the experience whether it came through, right?
And I'm also pleased some of you have been glad to hear from us, its nice to be appreciated~

I'm very here for the concept of describing what you like or dislike about people, and giving like context by saying what your general preferences are! I believe I've seen some of you do that and it really seems to make the most sense for helping others find their particular grind. I also personally think leaving a little space for mystery is more sexy, so appreciate a little reservedness in reviews (within reason, of course!)
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