Let's be honest though, it's just because you wouldn't want to date a guy who sees escorts because you properly view that as a "loser" thing to do. Otherwise, why would it be a problem? I think it's being judgemental. You're allowed to have certain standards for yourself though, which is normal. I just don't see why it would be wrong to have escorts for fun but alright to do it for a job? If anything, a stronger argument could be made against doing it for a job, as the worker will be seeing an incredible amount of partners and exposes her boyfriend to the possibility of disease
Let it be known though that I have respect for all sps. I just wanted to make things clear.
You would be incorrect in your assumptions. In another board, I've mentioned before how if I was ever married and my partner wanted to explore other options, I'd prefer he did so with escorts.
If I had a problem with this, why would I be in this profession? I was just saying how I don't believe it's exactly hypocritical of her being upset by finding the guy she was dating was seeing escorts, and I even backtracked afterwards saying I was probably wrong.
Escorts are some of the most safe people out there, you're a lot less likely to get disease from the well-established ladies who take great care in their health and safety, then by picking someone up at a bar.. so your argument of an SP being more likely to bring diseases back is pretty weak.
And as for me seeing it as a "loser" thing to do, and wouldn't date someone who saw escorts, way off again! That would be pretty judgemental of me, wouldn't it? I have in fact dated men before who have seen escorts, and I see no issue with it; I would not be in the right job field if I were judging the men I see.
The original issue was the not being honest about it, which I admit both parties were at fault for.
Jeez Louise, did not mean for my small comment to blow into this!
Let's all get along, shall we?