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Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
Here's a question that surely was already answered some time ago, but I figured it would fit to be asked again here.
Do you like spanking under certain conditions or not at all?

Do you like spanking under certain conditions or not at all? Yes, if it’s reasonable.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
Here's a question that surely was already answered some time ago, but I figured it would fit to be asked again here.
Do you like spanking under certain conditions or not at all?
I haven't approved spanking yet as a work thing, I don't want lasting marks from clients when working. A tap on the ass here and there, i don't care about .. my master doesn't want marks on me that aren't there without his approval.

But oh on a very different playing field... when I am spanked by my master, I get insanely wet... With him i have all the trust in the world, no fear, and it is consensual, and exhilarating.

I am a bit of a rock/metal head, my favorite band is I Prevail... and oh... i am in that mosh pit... and used to think i had a bladder problem when in the mosh pit... till like the last 2 times I have gone, and realized, it wasn't pee, but just that i would get so wet it felt like i had peed my pants by the end of the concert...
And fun in counting the bruises that have been had in the mosh pit itself... and the poor people who would see the bruises in shock and horror while i tell them it came from having the time of my life in a mosh pit.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2023
If a friend or a acquaintance want your services, would you accept ?
Friend no, acquaintance probably.

Oh good, a no stupid questions thread, because I def feel my question might be a bit stupid, but what's the ideal time frame to book and indy in advance? How far out do schedules start to fill up? I've heard booking something more than a month out might be considered a bit weird. I would figure the more notice the better but I'm brand new to all this so I don't know. :shrug:
i agree that months is a bit weird to me too. Also, the further the booking, the firmer I’ll be on deposits.
I don’t have an absolute “favorite” timeframe. Weather last minute, same day, 24-48h, 1 week or 1 month, they all have their pros and cons.

That said, my least favorite are the “right now”s. In my experience (and according to my mental stats) they have the highest flop/fuckery/kickout rate. Obviously, not all last minute appointments are bad appointments.. but the good ones are very few and far between.
Except for one, every seriously problematic booking I’ve ever had was a “right now” one. I also find right now guys to be the most demanding (which makes sense considering they’re the ones inquiring in the heat of the moment and super horny). They ghost mid convo the most and the discrepancy between what they want and what they’re willing to pay is the absolute highest. They usually have done little to no research and they’re just the worst overall. The no shows amongst this group don’t bother me very much because they happen while the wave of inquiries I get right after bumping my ad is still going on so I’ll just move onto the next most seriousperson. Interestingly though, it’s also all or nothing between low ballers and big spenders.

My favorite is booking in the morning for evening and evening for super early morning. It’s my personal sweet spot. I have plenty of time to get ready, eat, organize the rest of the day around a reservation yet still be in the same mood/mindset when you show up as when you booked it. No shows are really annoying in this group. If I book you in the morning for that evening, I stop bumping my listing and responding to new inquiries so salvaging the day / time slot is near impossible. Some no shows but not too many either. I find the requests and expectations way more reasonable but not overly boring within this group. Average $ amount per meet is good, not great but more consistent. Most if not all attempts at endless texting and conversation happen within this group. Somehow too many think that since they’ve booked for evening, they’re entitled to text endlessly until said appointment.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2023
...and is the CASINO still a place girls like to go????...perso i like it de temps en temps...and was wondering if it was a place/sortie à condidérer.....y incluant le repas....???
Other than the food, a casino date is not appealing to me at all. I don’t see the point in betting any amount of money on something completely unpredictable and solely determined by chance. Even if I was Elon Musk, I still wouldn’t partake. If you’re going to toss your money in the proverbial trash, why not just give it to me? ‍♀️

Tell me you’re going to teach me to count cards and/or be your accomplice in such an endeavor… now we’re talking.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2023
Does size matter? Lol
In my personal life it’s a huge dealbreaker. If I can’t instinctively tell how big you are, I will straight up ask you for the information.

Professionally, it doesn’t matter as long as it doesn’t come with a side order of cheese and your expectations remain reasonable and realistic for your size. For example, don’t expect a marathon Grand Slam Doggy style event if you’re packing a weapon of mass destruction or an extended cowgirl ride if you’re small.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2023
How did you choose your sw name ?
Natasha is my real first name.
Snow because:
• my birthday is in winter
• winter = snowflakes
• each snowflake is one of a kind, just like individuals.
• I’ve always felt like I didn’t quite fit in and different from my peers which took me soooo long to embrace.
• Despite each individual snowflake being unique, they all seem the same when in large numbers - like humans
• they seem so fragile and delicate yet somehow survive the whole journey to earth from the sky

thank you for coming to my Ted talk


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2023
It's all part of a bdsm world... I have chosen my master and have chosen to submit to him (he is my bf, my lover, my sanity, literally) and be his slave... (the only correct way to be a slave, my choice if, and who to). and in our type of lifestyle.. I will do whatever he asks of me.. (only for him though). Even doing this, we see ourselves as a monogamous couple.
I’m really surprised to read this, albeit very pleasantly so. I was under the impression this dynamic was highly unusual and rare within the community and here I am having just read an entire response I could have written myself word for word, top to bottom.
I’m very open about my relationship status with everyone I meet and it’s the reaction I receive from this that had me convinced it was unheard of.

Fun fact: If I can openly and casually talk to you about my husband without you being weird about it, you’re on my favorites list and I will favor you over your pearl clutching counterpart and 1000x over.

Counter question: why is it so shocking ?

Even doing this, we see ourselves as a monogamous couple. (me doing this for work is one of his own turnons.)
yaaaaasss! Stag / vixen + Hotwife come to mind and a few other kinks satisfied by my work.

Alisha Cantaloupe

Incall Griffintown and Outcall everywhere!
Supporting Member
Jun 19, 2022
Smart girl.
BTW, what's the company name? Happy Gentlemen?
Lol! I wish the name was that obvious.
Unfortunately this industry is still very stigmatized so I don’t feel comfortable giving out all the precious information that we use to put us in a safe position for public knowledge.
I just wanted to tell people to relax because a lot of providers do pay their taxes.
I think the name of my company is irrelevant for public knowledge especially that it still freshly new. I don’t want to mess up my luck and plans.
I don’t mind helping another provider in private. Hope you understand; have a nice day; xoxo!


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2023
Sorry if it was already asked but i believe it was not, what do you hate the most in our Merb reviews?
The lack of perspective: how anyone thinks full anonymity is a reasonable expectation with a SP blows my mind.

The hills so many are willing to die on based on rigid yet unfounded assumptions: if there’s a human with a penis in my vicinity, it HAS to be a pimp.
Why can’t we have boyfriends/husbands/friends/security etc without the assumption it’s a pimp?


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2023
Has there been a time that you have refused to provide service to someone after they arrived at your agreed upon place? If yes, what was the reason? Hygiene, attitude, price dispute, etc.?
Mangled, cracked, diseased looking penis. Think worker’s feet, you know, so cracked and calussed it looks like the Marianna trench met the the Arizona desert under their feet… on his dick.. but damp, like he had been in the tub for way too long.

I’m a nurse “irl” and I had never seen such a thing.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2023
How do you guys spend the cash? Can you put it in a bank and invest it? Do you declare it as income like an ordinary job? Do you pay for all your living expenses in cash? Obviously it's not every provider, but some girls are fully booked constantly, and work a lot. It's a large amount of cash that they are bringing in. If nobody answers this question, I'd understand.

I’m not sure yet. My transition from stripping to fssw is quite recent and I was really surprised and unprepared for how much I make and how fast it happened.
I’m splurging for all the stuff I’ve wanted/needed for a while, catching up shit I was behind on, spoiling the shit out of my crotch goblins and saving.
We know we want to invest likely in real estate and also start another business both of which are part of my someday I’ll have to exit plan.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2012
Lol! I wish the name was that obvious.
Unfortunately this industry is still very stigmatized so I don’t feel comfortable giving out all the precious information that we use to put us in a safe position for public knowledge.
I just wanted to tell people to relax because a lot of providers do pay their taxes.
I think the name of my company is irrelevant for public knowledge especially that it still freshly new. I don’t want to mess up my luck and plans.
I don’t mind helping another provider in private. Hope you understand; have a nice day; xoxo!
Of course, I was just kidding.
The concept of "Ask us everything" doesn't include personal info which is probably the most important rule of this board.
Have a nice day too!


Jul 5, 2008
Friend no, acquaintance probably.

Would you be so kind as to elaborate on the issue?

Most SW often refer to their work as a job that should be regarded, supported and protected like any other traditional job.

Moving forward with this assumption most workers would do their upmost to have friends benefit from their craft. As an example a baker would make sure that the wedding cake was flawless for their friends wedding and the same could be seen in mostly all lines of work.

I very well understand the intimacy of the act but a "friend" that well knows the top notch quality of services offered may have a hard time comprehending "why mostly any other, but not me?"

I stress that I am not referring to fuck-friends which see each other basically just for sex and move on. I am referring to friends who see or communicate with each other on a regular basis having an intimate relationship maybe once or twice in a year and the rest of the time just being as they always were, ordinary friends.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2023

Moving forward with this assumption most workers would do their upmost to have friends benefit from their craft. As an example a baker would make sure that the wedding cake was flawless for their friends wedding and the same could be seen in mostly all lines of work.

Oh it’s not that I wouldn’t want to more so that i feel it’s extremely unlikely the hypothetical friend would have the emotional intelligence (unsure this is quite the right term but I’m sure you get the idea) to process and react accordingly to such a scenario nor the mindset that completely distinguishes intimacy / work / sex from one another. We’re all very well acquainted with the stigma, judgements, incomprehension and prejudice surrounding the community and lifestyle, not mentioning the legal aspect of it - how would a friend realistically handle that on top of all the expectations and insecurities within such a relationship: fear of judgement, wanting to please, fear of messing up the friendship etc. There’s no way.

The sentimental value of the relationship and the person would 100% make me genuinely want to provide an above and beyond stellar experience, while the connection and knowledge of one another inherent to friendships are what would enable me to do so.
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