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2013/2014 Official NHL Thread

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Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
He is not paid to fight but to PLAY hockey which he does exceptionally.

If Subban fought with every assholes who, for some reasons, provoked him, he would fight 5times / match and wouldn't finish any matches which is what these assholes want. Conclusion ? He's not coward, he just uses his brain or maybe follow coach's instruction : "don't react to provocation, don't fight PK, just play, that's the best way to punish them."

After my twenties, I stop thinking that fight to resolve a dispute was cool. I understood it was a proof of stupidity...

You guys are judging one of the best hockey player on the way he fights or not to respond to provokation like we were doing at school when we were kids... Cmon...

Special K

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May 3, 2003
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Subban is a stud and he can name his price. He has a lot of unique skills but the most obvious one is his big slap shot, making him a lethal weapon on the power play. He also plays with a certain chippiness you like to see in your defensemen, yet I do not see too many guys challenging him to fights. I think they are scared of him.

You couldn't be more incorrect in this assessment Beav. Subban is one of the biggest cowards in the NHL when it comes to "answering the bell." His motto is flight before fight, unless the other player is 10" shorter and 60lbs lighter, then he's Hercules. Put a Lucic, Thornton, Kevan Miller, Chara and countless other players in his face and watch him scurry like the pussy that he is.

Special K

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May 3, 2003
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Exactly. Same thing happened when he went after Kyle Turris. Heck, he even went after little David Desharnais during one of their practices. David Desharnais!!!

Subban is nothing but a coward. A few weeks ago, former Hab and current RDS broadcaster Mario Tremblay wrote an article where he criticized Alexei Emelin & PK Subban for their lack of courage, constantly diving & faking injuries in order to draw penalties, reminiscent of soccer players. The title of the article was "PK, Be a Man!!"

I'd really like to see this article if it's available somewhere. I search Mario Tremblay & PK, Be a Man but didn't get any hits. It's amazing how 99.9% of Habs fans refuse to acknowledge that PK & Emelin play the game in this cowardly way. I don't get it.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I'd really like to see this article if it's available somewhere. I search Mario Tremblay & PK, Be a Man but didn't get any hits. It's amazing how 99.9% of Habs fans refuse to acknowledge that PK & Emelin play the game in this cowardly way. I don't get it.

Here it is (he wrote it in french):

« Be a Man! »

par Mario Tremblay, RDS

Tout n’est pas rose toutefois au pays du Canadien. Quand je vois Alexei Emelin et P.K. Subban mettre de la moutarde après avoir été plaqués solidement, commes ils l’ont fait notamment face aux Bruins, je ne peux m’empêcher de faire des boutons. À un certain moment jeudi soir à Detroit, Subban avait l’air à moitié mort à son retour au banc…

En tant qu’ancien joueur, je n’apprécie pas ce genre de scène. « Be a man » (sois un homme)! Tu es capable de donner des mises en échec, alors tu dois sûrement être en mesure de les encaisser. Feindre une blessure n’a pas sa place et c’est exactement pourquoi ces gars perdent en crédibilité.

Emelin et Subban sont deux excellents joueurs, mais je me passerais bien de ces manies que je suis loin d’apprécier.

Be a man!!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Is Montreal going to win and force a game 7??????????????

I hope not. But it'll be a great game 7 in Boston if the habs win tonight. Will every series go to a game 7?

Great playoffs so far! Love the realignments & the changes brought on by the league in order to have rivalries meet one another for more than one playoff round.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
As i've been saying all along, the habs have too many Europeans on that team. European hockey players don't care about the Stanley Cup playoffs as much as Canadian hockey players, who've been dreaming of winning the Stanley Cup since they've put on skates for the first time. Europeans care more about the World Championship & the Olympics.....and then comes the Stanley Cup playoffs. For most of them, the NHL is nothing but just a league where they can make big $$. Many lack the passion to win the Cup.

When your best players are Europeans, you usually don't go too far in the playoffs. The Canadiens have a few Canadians on their roster, but they mostly all play minor roles other than PK Subban & Carey Price, who have been the habs' best players BY FAR. Brendan Gallagher is another player who plays with a lot of passion. And he also happens to be a Canadian.

Boston has the likes of Bergeron, Lucic & Marchand, among others. All play prominent roles on their team & they all happen to be Canadian.

p.s. Anyone ready for the riots in downtown Montreal if the Habs lose tonight's game??


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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Subban is one of the biggest cowards in the NHL when it comes to "answering the bell."

Star players should never fight for the good of their team. If I coached the Penguins, I would bench Crosby when "he goons it up". He is arguably the best hockey player in the league, but far from the best at intimidating the opposing teams' players. If I owned the Penguins, I would have fired the coach on the spot for not disciplining Crosby when the latter gets distracted from what he is the best at - creating scoring chances. He wastes his energy on mixing it up with the opponents. I believe that Crosby responding to and initiating aggressive physical play was a major factor in last year's loss to Philadelphia.

Subban may be the only offensive standout for the Canadiens. He is right to avoid taking penalities, particularly majors.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Star players should never fight for the good of their team.

I totally agree. Over the past couple of seasons, people complained that Dion Phaneuf rarely fought anymore. The word 'coward' was even mentionned. But people fail to realize that Dion Phaneuf is the best defenceman on the team & usually plays up to 25 minutes a game. He's also on the #1 penalty killing unit. When he's not on the ice, it hurts the team. Phaneuf was also likely under orders by the coaching staff to keep a cool head & stay away from the penalty box as much as possible.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
I listened carefully to the USA national anthem and didn't hear the whistles you mentionned, Merlot...

But damn, the girls who sing it au Centre Bell is so hot ! Jeeezzz..


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
Vanek has been with a couple teams this year

What do you Canadiens fans think of him in the short time he's been in town ?

It might be his last game soon, on his way to Minnesota next year

Best Regards



Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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As i've been saying all along, the habs have too many Europeans on that team.

NHL players are paid well for the regular season and a relative pittance for the playoffs. Eastern Europeans in particular have had governments which have, to put it very mildly, not been responsive to the populace for at least a century. My theory is that they usually don't respect authority - in particular the financial interests of their employers. There are very few Eastern Europeans I would want on my team - (don't say Ovechkin who vies year after year for the worst plus/minus. Maybe he would be useful playing exclusively on the power play.) Samsonov and Kovalev are just two prime examples of coach- killers, formidable talents who manage to drag a whole team down. It could be argued that Malkin and Jagr at least don't always disappear in the playoffs.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
I bet your opinion of him would improve if/when he signs with the Bruins.

Yeah and it takes a lot of cowardice to dirty a player so harassed right now...

Anyone with a little bit of sense of honor would stop any attacks while the guy is victim of such shameful insults on social medias.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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The issue is are the HABS going out in 6 or 7 games...Game 6 is going to be a real pressure cooker of a game for the HABS...the local press and media is already all over certain players that have not produced...I am sure you can all figure who they are! In fact, in a local post game sports show in MTL on Saturday night (L'Antichambre) several HABS players were labeled as "tourists" on the ice! Hey, but that is MTL....However, I think MTL will win game 6 and force game 7 in Boston! I am sticking to my guns and go with the Bruins to win the series! If the HABS go out in 6, to lose out 3 consecutive games of which 2 at home, the local press and media will crucify them!

Neither, Montreal will take this series like I had originally predicted, mark my words!!!!.

Special K

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May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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I bet your opinion of him would improve if/when he signs with the Bruins.

I'm not that type Beav. If I dislike a player for reasons stated, and if he was on my team I wouldn't for a second change my opinion of him. You should know me better than that.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Knowing SK for quite a few years now and talking sports with him a lot, I have to back him up here. Just ask him how much he loves Lucic lol........
I'm not that type Beav. If I dislike a player for reasons stated, and if he was on my team I wouldn't for a second change my opinion of him. You should know me better than that.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

I listened carefully to the USA national anthem and didn't hear the whistles you mentionned, Merlot...

I found it in 0.14 seconds. Would you like instructions or a hearing aid. U.S. National Anthem BOOED loudly...whistles, boos, rude Habs chants.

BTW...why are you still on this issue if it wasn't shameful?

I bet your opinion of him would improve if/when he signs with the Bruins.

I didn't like Ocho Stinko and I still don't like Darelle Revis either.

As I figured, the Canadiens Are playing with desperation at home. Maybe all the BS about the water squirting and suspending Thornton got the team revved up. But I still agree with the member here who said this hullaballoo over water is a joke. Today I heard a recording with Subban saying he could not see anything for 1 1/2 minutes. Really, what a pussy. He could take time to bitch to the refs but not clean the visor. :rolleyes: Thornton was right to laugh his ass off at the little whining complainer.

I wonder if those members here who have been trying to protect their feelings with low expectations and negative predictions will stick by that for game 7???

Cheers boyzzzzzzzz,



Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
BTW...why are you still on this issue if it wasn't shameful?

Cause I would find it shameful. That's why I listened carefully tonight as you told us about it.

No whistle tonight, and I think you know like me that videos (morevover whenthey are called like that an spread by boston fans) can't be trusted. Trust your ears, not internet ;)
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