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2013 NHL Official Hockey Thread

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Special K

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May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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Don't get ahead of your Merlot. Remember 2010 against Philly? No lead is safe as far as I'm concerned. I'd like to see it end in 5 but one never knows. As for tonights game, the B's dominated from start to finish, one of the best all around games they've played all year. They just couldn't get it past Henrik for most of the game. Had the Rangers taken this game it would have been highway robbery!


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Don't get ahead of your Merlot. Remember 2010 against Philly?

Hello SK,

My previous statement was a reflection of how each team has played up until now, not a firm prediction. The Rangers so far have shown NO indication they have the ability to achieve a 4 game run. As you said, the Bruins have dominated play in general in each game. New York has been weak on offense, only thanks to Lundqvist have they managed to hold on and keep it close in two games, and Rask has been very good. If each team plays as they have I don't see how New York will come back from such a deficit. The teams would have to trade characters for that to happen. Lundgvist would have to be perfect while his team also found a potent offense...for four games. The odds of both happening are extremely Iggy finding CLASS. Would you really risk your money betting on either. :D



Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Alain Vigneault fired by Vancouver Canucks

Alain Vigneault has been fired by the Vancouver Canucks. Very unfair, if you want my opinion. GM Mike Gillis is the one who caused this entire miss in the first place & should have been the one fired. However, he was awarded a big contract prior to last season & i suppose firing Vigneault was the team's cheapest option. Press conference scheduled for 6:30pm (Eastern time).


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Gillis is ruining all the good that Burke and Nonis built in Van City and should also have been fired. If he was smart he would trade Schneider instead of Luongo because at least Scheider will get him some assets back....
Alain Vigneault fired by Vancouver Canucks

GM Mike Gillis is the one who caused this entire miss in the first place & should have been the one fired. However, he was awarded a big contract prior to last season & i suppose firing Vigneault was the team's cheapest option.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I agree, Iggy. But considering the owner just gave Gillis a new contract just prior to the start of this season, it was a case of getting rid of the cheapest option. I doubt this was Gillis' call. The decision to fire Vigneault likely came from the top & had Gillis not fired him, he would have been the one getting fired instead.....and then the owner would have got rid of Vigneault.

As for trading Schneider, i agree that this would be the better (and only) option. Luongo's contract makes it impossible for him to be moved. I doubt they'll buy him out because it'll cost them a fortune, just like Philly & Bryzgalov. And i'm also not sold on Schneider. In a big game, i'd still pick Luongo over Schneider.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
And what a kick in the gut to Ron McLean.

But it worked - NY actually managed to win their first game of the series.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Great game Wings! Great game Mr. Howard! One to go - make us proud - in fact make ALL true hockey lovers proud by showing what skill, guts and determination can do!


I'm Back Baby!
Aug 10, 2003
Quebec City
The future of fighting.

With lawsuits like this,

and the head of the NHLPA looking to address fights,

the question is, which one of these two guys will be driving a cab in two years?


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Hats off to Detroit, many of my Detroit fan friends did not even expect this and were just hoping for a good showing.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
All you habs fans want fighting out of the sport, golly gee, i wonder why? Your tough guys are a joke thats why and if you signed a big tough guy this summer you would love it, thats called hypocrisy.

Lets have a lookie at the Canadians "tough guys", shall we:

Prust.... light to middleweight, decent player,,, a keeper but with ZERO enforcement help around him will be injured more than not and or a short career.

Moen.. after a good start a cpl seasons ago he thinks he is now a goal scorer, therefore does not fight anymore, useless

White... cheap shot artiist with a big mouth and a 10 cent head, takes stupid penalties and really, is not that good of a fighter anyways, smallish....

Armstrong... made of glass, "fight Orr, who me? i do not think so coach"

Jorges.... he just whines and cry's, forget about sticking up for his teammates

Subban... to busy yapping his gums about how good he is to care about standing up for his guys to drop em, and only when the guy is smaller than him

No wonder all you Canadians fans hate fighting with that list lol

PS, if Tor does not resign one of Orr or McLaren, how long before Mtl's management is talking to one of them about a contract? Seconds!

PSS. Mods, not sure if ballysdays post belongs here instesd of the free for all, (most of his posts are of the "trying to instigate" type these days) so i answered it where it was presented, feel free to move to the FFA if you see fit, Merci!

With lawsuits like this,
and the head of the NHLPA looking to address fights,
the question is, which one of these two guys will be driving a cab in two years?


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
Did you posted the entire previous post (from G1G) Iggy ? :eyebrows:

As for "trying to instigate" ? you sure are doing a very good job out here in this thread with this last post of yours ! :D

Anyway, tonight's the night baby ! and we wanna see some real a$$ kicking for all the douches who prefer boxing to real hockey !


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Yea most of it, as it seemed relevant to my response.... i just answered him honestly is all, if you find that instigating then maybe his post was in the wrong place to begin with, thus the note to the mods... Mods can you move both ballysdays and my posts to the FFA thread if you see fit to do so, again, MERCI!

My point exactly to why you do not want fighting in the game Gentle, but trust me, when the habs do sign a big tough guy this summer, tho you wont admit it here, you will be doing backflips and pounding down a few molsons, along with the majority of habs fans across the nation. Personally, i hope the habs dont sign a guy like that. ;)

Did you posted the entire previous post (from G1G) Iggy ? :eyebrows:

As for "trying to instigate" ? you sure are doing a very good job out here in this thread with this last post of yours ! :D

Anyway, tonight's the night baby ! and we wanna see some real a$$ kicking for all the douches who prefer boxing to real hockey !


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Thus you will continue to get pushed around but maybe do well in the season, have a few 6-0 games where you get manhandled, and then get destroyed in 4-5 games of the playoffs.. hockey is hockey... tough, violent, skillful, graceful and beautiful all rolled into one and the first two will never go away and should never go away. There can be plenty of teamwork yet still be a tough and skilled team. Look at the last 2 Cup champs, and what do they have in common? Boston and LA = big, tough, skilled guys.. Montreal is small where they need to be bigger and a very soft team to play against. But, your GM knows this and i would be really surprised if he does not try to address this in the summer.
Nop ! Wrong !

I prefer teamwork over individualism.


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
Bla Bla Bla ! Iggy !

Nobody was predicting Habs in 2nd place in the regular season.
So at least we got a great season.

While for the playoffs ?
It wasn't good but a hell lot better than what happened to your dear Leafs whom played only 2 more games, one of them being the worst game ever in the history of the playoffs.

We all saw that it was a relatively 'small and smooth' player from Quebec playing for Bruins that really sunk the Leafs in game 7.

And you forget that Boston had a very hard serie against Mtrl despite being bigger and it was decided at the last game in OT, the year they won the cup.

And not because Mtrl players started to fall apart like some other teams...

Yet every so called expert kept saying that Mtrl was too small... bla bla bla !

Keep trying !

Tonight you got the proof once again with Pens winning over OTT.
This is the kind of hockey we should give to our kids.

Not the BS one where hitting a guy and leaving him all bloody on the ice is 'a clean hit' !

Anyway ! WC


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
bla bla bla what??? you dont get it....until the habs get BIGGER and TOUGHER, they will go nowhere, esp playing in the east where every team is bigger and tougher. You dont like the facts? fine, but those are the facts and you can deny all you want. On that note, once again, i would expect MB to address the size and toughness issues this summer. At least you got rid of Gainey lol..... MB is much better for Mtl than boring Bob was.

PS.... i am not at all ashamed of the Leafs and if they were not the Leafs (as in haters love to hate because they are jealous) nothing would of been made about it.... they did much better than i thought they would and gave Boston much more than they expected and it was a great series overall and i was very happy they made it to 7 games.... Why do you think i was sad they lost the way they did? A young team has meltdowns, all part of growing up and you could not be more wrong, i was actually very pleased they even came back being down 3 games to 1 to force a game 7. The future is very bright for the youngest team in the NHL postseason. :thumb:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Iggy, you just posted the POST OF THE DAY on this board. Everything you said about the habs was 100% true!!!!! :thumb:
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