Bruins 6 Penguins 1. Put that in your pipe and SMOKE IT pal. Talk about not looking at both sides of the story honestly. They showed you...and everybody. Merlot
I think you should stop smoking Merlot, specially pipes.
Unless you want to apply for Toronto's mayor job.
Talk about suposedly looking always at both sides of the story... my comment
if you would have taken the time to read properly was about the game before. On this occasion Pens lost many occasions to scores thus, Bruins were lucky on that one. PLAIN AND SIMPLE.
As for last game it was clear they are back in shape.
Also if you read this thread more, you could have seen that I (even if I'm Habs) would like to see Bruins in the finals as much as Pens. Since I like both teams.
There's only a couple players in your team which I despise, but for the team, I like Bruins for many reasons I already stated many times. Same as Pens. They have douche bags I would like to see get off the ice for good but I like their team too.
But anyway !
Lets hope to have at least 6 games for this is what makes it fun.
A 7th would be nice but I doubt Pens can 'remake' the exploits of the Leafs in the last period of it.