You mean in the Montreal area?
I don't like RDS comments, so I never watch sport on this Channel unless I don't have the choice. And I never read the local press, only US or french (from France) one.
Anyway I don't know what you mean by this question, but I don't think that the comments would have been more anti-Bruins in a quebecker Channel. In a City who won 24 Stanley Cup, there is no problem to see a team access to a finale to try to win its 7th.
I would have prefered a Pen-Chi finale, but a Boston-Chi would be fine : The best attack vs the best defense (even if it's quite hard to tell which team has the best defense between LA and Bruins)... This finale will be the answer to those who think you were Lucky.
Pen's have some similarities with Canadiens : Talented offensive game, goalie problem, defense weakness and above all mental issues...
The last Stanley Cup winners have some similarities : defensive, tough, big, good goalie. That's probably why the NHL wants to change some rules to favorize the attack game and the show (like more space behind the goal etc..)