I had to withdraw my previous post because I ran out of time to correct it. Back to business.
OMG! That view is so full of crap and bold-faced bias it's ridiculous. It's only because of the singular Pacioretty incident that anyone can dream of calling him a bully. Where are all the consistent major penalties and brutality that mark a real thug/bully? Like that little rat Matt Cooke. Really, it's pathetic. At least Halloween Mike admits he just can't stand him, instead of conjuring up some nonsense no knowledgeable hockey fan would ever write. It's too obvious your post is about hate and nothing else.
Other Canadiens and Leafs fans have acknowledged his high value. Yet, because his size is so intimidating he must be a bully...yeah right.
What is Chara supposed to do about his size, which is beyond his control? Is he supposed to play on slippers so smaller players will stop crying about how he intimidates them. If Chara was really a thug he would have stuffed that little miss Crosby inside his own helmet for the really cheap stuff he tried with Tuukka and others including Chara.
Chara is a very big guy in a game where intimidation is part of the strategy. No player needs to give up one of his strengths because opponents have a hard time dealing with it. Otherwise the same logic would have forced Gretzky to use a much shorter stick. Is Chara also supposed to apologize for having a 108.8 mph slap shot so girly opponents won't wet themselves.
We are all proud of Chara because he is a great player and leader. Anyone who doesn't know that should actually watch a hockey game instead of just following the puck.
Because of his size he gets stereotyped, and people use his natural size intimidation factor as an excuse to ignore his skill and to dismiss him as a great player who knows and does his job very well.
You and Gentle expose your bias very clearly. The Bruins have others who are more frequently harder on opponent players like Lucic, yet not one word about him. All Gentle did was call Chara a POS and go on with typically phoney BS about retards and bandwagons. It's not hockey talk at all, just personal childish pissing. There's not one word about hockey in the entire post. You're defending that? Really? Mon Dieu!
So the Pacioretty incident is Chara's entire career? Hardly surprising from those using "Anglos" excuses. Don't forget I thought Chara should have been harshly penalized whether he meant to do what happened to Pacioretty or not. But in the NHL they let the thugs who ended Savard's career and nearly ended Crosby's keep playing. That's the fault of the fans who say that kind of extreme violence is just part of the game.
Geeeeeez, is it possible. Twice in one millennium I have to credit...gulp...WHO...for having far more logic, sense, and class than two Montreal fans.
I had to withdraw my previous post because I ran out of time to correct it. Back to business.
I believe Chara is nothing but a big POS who takes away all by himself the class from Bruins which they should deserve as a top team in all aspect of the game.
People who thinks that Boston needs such a stupid player are simply bandwagon fans who aren't really proud of Boston tradition as one of the best hockey team and town.
OMG! That view is so full of crap and bold-faced bias it's ridiculous. It's only because of the singular Pacioretty incident that anyone can dream of calling him a bully. Where are all the consistent major penalties and brutality that mark a real thug/bully? Like that little rat Matt Cooke. Really, it's pathetic. At least Halloween Mike admits he just can't stand him, instead of conjuring up some nonsense no knowledgeable hockey fan would ever write. It's too obvious your post is about hate and nothing else.
Other Canadiens and Leafs fans have acknowledged his high value. Yet, because his size is so intimidating he must be a bully...yeah right.
Chara is a very big guy in a game where intimidation is part of the strategy. No player needs to give up one of his strengths because opponents have a hard time dealing with it. Otherwise the same logic would have forced Gretzky to use a much shorter stick. Is Chara also supposed to apologize for having a 108.8 mph slap shot so girly opponents won't wet themselves.
We are all proud of Chara because he is a great player and leader. Anyone who doesn't know that should actually watch a hockey game instead of just following the puck.
Chara has more talent than Laraque, but there are the same expectations that he use his size in an effective manner.
Because of his size he gets stereotyped, and people use his natural size intimidation factor as an excuse to ignore his skill and to dismiss him as a great player who knows and does his job very well.
Hummm who has a one-side view, Merlot ?
What he did against Pacioretty (could have killed him) and against the most talented NHL player (voluntarily hit him on his injured jaw OUchh) show this guy has zero morality.
You and Gentle expose your bias very clearly. The Bruins have others who are more frequently harder on opponent players like Lucic, yet not one word about him. All Gentle did was call Chara a POS and go on with typically phoney BS about retards and bandwagons. It's not hockey talk at all, just personal childish pissing. There's not one word about hockey in the entire post. You're defending that? Really? Mon Dieu!
So the Pacioretty incident is Chara's entire career? Hardly surprising from those using "Anglos" excuses. Don't forget I thought Chara should have been harshly penalized whether he meant to do what happened to Pacioretty or not. But in the NHL they let the thugs who ended Savard's career and nearly ended Crosby's keep playing. That's the fault of the fans who say that kind of extreme violence is just part of the game.
Chara will never be considered a classy player on the ice, and his modus operandi is a take no prisoners type of play and it works for him and he is a hall of famer as soon as his first chance comes up.
As far as taking a shot at Crosby's jaw that was broken this season, well if he was cleared to play w/o the protective part of the helmet he had to wear at first, then that means he is 100% healed so he is fair game for parts of the game like we saw in the video. Was it classless on Chara's part? yea i would say maybe somewhat but then again this is not the ballet boys, this is Hockey and as much as some of you in here want it to be the ballet with all your crying about big, tough, hard hitting, and the little things like this that do not get called everytime (thankfully) it never will be. Hockey should be a combo of skill and toughness and the sport in general is graceful and violent at the same time...to sum it up best, Hockey is Beautiful.....
Geeeeeez, is it possible. Twice in one millennium I have to credit...gulp...WHO...for having far more logic, sense, and class than two Montreal fans.