P.K. Subban will not return to the team unless it's on his own terms. That's simply the way he is. More & more people are saying that the Habs have offered him a low-ball contract & don't blame him one bit for holding out for more $$ and better terms.
On the other hand, the Habs don't want to bust the bank on P.K. either or else they'll need to find a way to get rid of a big contract in order to remain under next year's cap. They also don't want to make an exception (term-wise) for P.K. since they know damn well that they'll create a precedent & in the next few years, other players in the same position as Subban will want the same thing also.
If you want my opinion, P.K. will continue holding out for as long as he can & will return to the team past the half-way point of this current season, unless there's a team out there that signs him to an offer sheet. What P.K. is fully aware of is that even if he holds out for the entire season, he'll be in the boat next season. The season he's holding out in doesn't count come next season.
If i'm a team like Toronto which has Mtl as a rival, i'd sign Subban to an offer sheet a.s.a.p since even though it's likely the Habs will match the offer in order to hold on to Subban, the signed offer sheet they'd be matching would likely cause havoc to it's salary cap & general salary scale. Heck, go ahead and sign him to monstruous contract!! The Habs will likely match it!!