question for clients.
what are your expectations for a gfe service, and what are your expectations for a pse service?
earlier i got a request from a member of the forum asking me for pse, although it's not on my ad lol.. there are reasons why i don't offer pse (one thing is that greek seems to be expected) but sometimes i'm not entirely sure what it even means.
This is a difficult question as the expectations vary depending on region, but generally speaking internationally across the majority of venues GFE is a more romantic experience (like a girlfriend) and signifies that extended periods of french kissing will be expected and permitted. Some providers don't like to do this and so using "GFE" denotes those who will.
PSE can mean more and different things and is much more provider specific, but most often means that anal is on the menu.
Now, again this is globally vs here in Montreal, and there is a variety of people interpreting these terms in different ways, so that can't be taken as gospel for everyone. As always it's best to be clear in what everyone's expectations are beforehand