Guilt and shame...Ultimately this is a debate between you and your conscience... The way I see it, escorts provide services that are there to be consumed...This may sound awfully cold, but ultimately, this is what it is. No one forces the girls to do that, at least generally, in this country; I would feel different if I were to pay for 14-years old Thai girls forced into prostitution in Bangkok, but I would not do that...May be because as a fact, I would debate this with my conscience after... In this country and in our days and age, prostitution (escorting, for those who debate too much with their conscience...) is a choice, it is a business and it requires clients to exist. I have no problems being a client; and I know that's all I am to the girls. I don't need to hide it behind a GFE facade; pure animal sex is generally quite fine with me, and this is what I pay for. I agree that some girls in the business are troubled, they may have different issues, financially, mentally, socially, but ultimately, becoming an escort is a personal decision and that too is between you and your conscience...Guilt and shame are probably experienced more by the escorts than by the clients.