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How to deal with guilt and shame?

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
.and if that still doesn't work just use a wad of 100's to buy magnum condoms in the presence of a few ladies

Years ago I went to a drug store to pick up condoms and picked up the magnum thinking it was a brand name not meant for larger men and also ear plugs since noise wakes me up easily. My wife was with me and laughed when we left the store as she noticed that the cashier ( young girl ) gave us a strange look and then smiled.

jeff jones

Mar 23, 2009
At cleo's
I've never had a bad experience with an escort in terms of them giving the impression they didn't respect me. They range from seeming very friendly to at least friendly enough.

However sadly based on my real life experiences where girls generally don't give me the time of day and look down on me I have to assume that it is the professionalism showing through, that they are good at hiding any dislike or lack of respect for me they might have.


I have to respectfully ask you not to make these types of posts on the board. If some of these johns even start to entertain the thought that the escorts they pay for sex are not only not in love with them but some of them may in fact be a little disgusted with them, you could be responsible for a bunch of them heading for a bridge with a cement blocked tied to there ankle. I am very concerned about them. Now lets not stray from the pack thought. These ladies that are young enough to be our daughters or grand daughters really dig us, they think we are handsome and oh so cool. It is there pleasure to be with us. There is no where else they would rather be.



Oct 21, 2011
Top of the mountain
What about empathy , do you generalize that all the escort in the world are disgusted about their john ? It's a moral thing . If it was accepted by the general population and no look down by religious values the practice of the tradewould be a lot less disgustingThey sell us a world of fantasy but they're not robots they still have emotion and kindness. And yes I do believe some even have fun but it as to stay professional . Nelly Arcand wrote a great book about it called Putain . For her at the end of the day she only see dick and not the men behind . They're at the end of the day desensitized about they're emotion towards the john yes I'll agree but is to protect them self . Could we see then women a day and still having some feeling at the end no .
So for me and a lot merbite we try take good care of them and the little emotion they show us it's a lot for us. Also we crave the human contact , that is what the most heavy thing for them not the fucking. So saying that Sp they're not our friend or have no emotion is not true. Yes they can be disgusted physically about a john but emotionally not completely . When you get 50/60/70 years old your dick doesn't fall off , you still crave human contact . Grand pa and grand ma are still having sex !!!

We are all human being with emotion ! Some escort are more empathic than others and jonhs are tender friendlier than others .


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007

This is a link to a discussion about the Olympic athlete who was escorting in Vegas for $600/hour with her husband's knowledge. She had endorsements, a successful real estate business and was very well off. She was doing it for the thrill.

Maybe she was escorting as a way to punish herself for past transgressions?


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I think she was doing it for the thrill (and the money too) and I also think she did it with her husband's approval and encouragement. Yes, strange as it seems, he got a thrill out of it too. Of course, that's not the story that they told after she was discovered but that's my belief based on the circumstances of what she was doing and the fact that they admitted that the husband knew but supposedly didn't approve.
Sounds like a cuckold or Hot Wife scenario. I don't entirely understand it but anyone who has been dumped and is jealous knows that you want most what you can't have. it spices up a marriage. The point is she enjoyed what she was doing. I don't think you stay in this business very long without enjoying something other than the money. If you think otherwise you are a fool.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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I have to respectfully ask you not to make these types of posts on the board. If some of these johns even start to entertain the thought that the escorts they pay for sex are not only not in love with them but some of them may in fact be a little disgusted with them, you could be responsible for a bunch of them heading for a bridge with a cement blocked tied to there ankle. I am very concerned about them. Now lets not stray from the pack thought. These ladies that are young enough to be our daughters or grand daughters really dig us, they think we are handsome and oh so cool. It is there pleasure to be with us. There is no where else they would rather be.


I personally don't give a rat's ass if they dig me or not, they could hate my guts for all I care as long as they do what I pay them to do which is to give me GFE services.

Having said that you seem to be going overboard on this "debate" JJ but I do agree with you that there are some really delusional board members who actually think that SP's dig them because they "dress up" or are "clean" etc, SP's may like certain John's over others but it should never be forgotten that the only reason that these girls visit them is for one reason.

What SP's really, really, really dig about John's.

jeff jones

Mar 23, 2009
At cleo's
I personally don't give a rat's ass if they dig me or not, they could hate my guts for all I care as long as they do what I pay them to do which is to give me GFE services.

Having said that you seem to be going overboard on this "debate" JJ but I do agree with you that there are some really delusional board members who actually think that SP's dig them because they "dress up" or are "clean" etc, SP's may like certain John's over others but it should never be forgotten that the only reason that these girls visit them is for one reason.

What SP's really, really, really dig about John's.

Joe. t

You took the words right out of my mouth. That is the way i feel. When they are with me i treat them well and when they leave i lose zero sleep over wether they like me or not and you are spot on, there are many johns on the board who really believe the sp's dig them. LOL What always amazes me on the board is posters feel like it is okay to point out how much the escorts are into them but if someone challenges there views the masses tries to shout them down, name call and so on. I respect there right to go on and on about how much escorts are into them but they should also respect the rights of others who may see things differently. For your astute post i will buy you a beer next time we are in town at the same time.


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
What SP's really, really, really dig about John's.

Being 2 or 3 times their age, balding, overweight oh what the hell may as well add excessive hair. I am sure I read somewhere, Oprah maybe that most 19 - 25 year olds want some of that. Nope, just remembered, Jerry Springer. I agree with Joe.T but that is one of the reasons I do not see debutants, someone with a few months under their belt can hide the shock better than a newbie., someone with a year or 2 is usually excellent to meet. But remember to bring your wallet.


New Member
Jul 30, 2011

Yes but that means nothing because it also applies to many average wives when they choose a husband. People always say this or that about escorts and clients as if it means anything, without thinking that it applies to almost anyone. Radical feminists think that marriage is just a form of prostitution and that's the one thing I agree with them. The amount of sex in the world that is done exclusively for mutual pleasure, without any thought for a personal gain of some kind, is probably quite small.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
there are some really delusional board members who actually think that SP's dig them because they "dress up" or are "clean" etc, SP's may like certain John's over others but it should never be forgotten that the only reason that these girls visit them is for one reason.

Jesus Christ Joe I hope you don't put me in this lot. I am starting to tip more often because I am afraid that the girls will start tacking on a surcharge for excess weight if I don't...You know, kind of like the airlines charge for over sized luggage. I am also booking more threesomes so the SP can bring along a friend to make to make the session more palatable (this is a trick I learned form my days of babysitting my own kids.)

You, Joe, have been to more GT's than I. I am assuming that you know the scene better than I but I have not met one hobbyist in NA that really believes that the girls are in love with them. Not to say that there aren't some outliers but I do not believe that any of us believe anything different.

My point is that I think that some of the girls sometimes do enjoy the session or something about their work. Also, I know when I am being patronized and I think I know when an SP doesn't like the oldest profession in the world....Aww fuck it. I promise that this is my last post.

It is too Bad Brandi quit again. I was going to take her for a spin. This may be it for for me too.


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Without quoting the above post, how many men have noticed the quality and quantity of sex drastically decreases after marriage, and yes not 100% of the couples but an extremely high percentage. I work in the oil patch and you see the girls that come onto job sites and you see the ones that go after upper management. Many many women outside the sex industry go for the money.


Active Member
Jun 17, 2010
Assuming guilt and shame aren't personal issues with you, at the end of the day, does it really matter what anyone else thinks, whether you have a slightly over-inflated opinion of yourself, or the feeling you paid the SP to give you was convincing enough to delude you more than you realize (send her my way please :lol:)??? It's your money, it's your taste, and it's your fantasy. Who gives a fuck what others, especially those you don't know personally, and who are here for basically the same thing you are, think???


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Now hold on just a second here. Are you telling me, say for example that a guy thats above average looking (like a 6 out of 10) like one John said that the beautiful SP's of Montreal do not like being with an above average looking guy and only care about american greenbacks or Canadian monopoly money? I dont believe it! I want to believe the stud that thinks he is a 6 in his "mind" and do not wish to hear what you think, it is very depressing and because of this I expect a .750 winning % on all the picks you send me this NFL season!

jeff jones

Mar 23, 2009
At cleo's
Now hold on just a second here. Are you telling me, say for example that a guy thats above average looking (like a 6 out of 10) like one John said that the beautiful SP's of Montreal do not like being with an above average looking guy and only care about american greenbacks or Canadian monopoly money?

You know my Aunt Martha who is 95 years old, still thinks she is a 6 out of 10 facially but the poor dear is in a mental institution suffering from severe delusions.



Jan 8, 2012
Guilt and shame...Ultimately this is a debate between you and your conscience... The way I see it, escorts provide services that are there to be consumed...This may sound awfully cold, but ultimately, this is what it is. No one forces the girls to do that, at least generally, in this country; I would feel different if I were to pay for 14-years old Thai girls forced into prostitution in Bangkok, but I would not do that...May be because as a fact, I would debate this with my conscience after... In this country and in our days and age, prostitution (escorting, for those who debate too much with their conscience...) is a choice, it is a business and it requires clients to exist. I have no problems being a client; and I know that's all I am to the girls. I don't need to hide it behind a GFE facade; pure animal sex is generally quite fine with me, and this is what I pay for. I agree that some girls in the business are troubled, they may have different issues, financially, mentally, socially, but ultimately, becoming an escort is a personal decision and that too is between you and your conscience...Guilt and shame are probably experienced more by the escorts than by the clients.

Lily from Montreal

No...If you decide to do something in life and think it will bring shame (!) ,don't do it...


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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Sometimes I feel that I'm the one being abused here. Girls use the fact that I need physical affection to get money from me. They give me something that is totally free for them and that all human beings share, and ask big money for it. That helps deal with the guilt.

Get me right here. I totally understand that many SP invest themselves and try to give the best service they can. In those circumstances, I believe it is a fair exchange, just like you pay a good massage therapist to give you a good therapeutic massage. They are pro at what they do, and deserve proper compensation and in those situations I don't feel guilt. I feel it's a fair exchange of a service for compensation where both parties know what they're getting into.


Too often, girls are just there for a quick in and out, try to take the money and do as least as possible and get out. They take advantage of your vulnerable position. In those situations, I don't feel I'm abusing..... it's rather the reverse. They're abusing my weakness situation and my desire for them to grab in a few minutes hardly earned money that took me hours of sweat and blood to earn. And they leave me feeling like shit.

It's a two way street in this business, some clients are abusives and make the girls feel horrible, and likewise the other way.

Don't flame me just yet. I'm sure many feel the same around here but don't write up..... nothing to brag about when a so-called SP takes advantage of you and you feel like shit after.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Sometimes I feel that I'm the one being abused here. Girls use the fact that I need physical affection to get money from me. They give me something that is totally free for them and that all human beings share, and ask big money for it. That helps deal with the guilt.

Get me right here. I totally understand that many SP invest themselves and try to give the best service they can. In those circumstances, I believe it is a fair exchange, just like you pay a good massage therapist to give you a good therapeutic massage. They are pro at what they do, and deserve proper compensation and in those situations I don't feel guilt. I feel it's a fair exchange of a service for compensation where both parties know what they're getting into.


Too often, girls are just there for a quick in and out, try to take the money and do as least as possible and get out. They take advantage of your vulnerable position. In those situations, I don't feel I'm abusing..... it's rather the reverse. They're abusing my weakness situation and my desire for them to grab in a few minutes hardly earned money that took me hours of sweat and blood to earn. And they leave me feeling like shit.

It's a two way street in this business, some clients are abusives and make the girls feel horrible, and likewise the other way.

Don't flame me just yet. I'm sure many feel the same around here but don't write up..... nothing to brag about when a so-called SP takes advantage of you and you feel like shit after.

I do not think you will get flame as your post makes a lot of sense. I think it has all to do with wich girl you see. If you see girls from good agency or indycompanion, you will never get that feeling of being ripped off yourself. Dont' know if you agree, but this is my experience.

Girls I saw from BP, Hump or AI in the past is a different story. A few time very honestly I left the girl thinking I should be the one getting paid!

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