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How to deal with guilt and shame?

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Then you and wasisname just kept attacking me for absolutely NO reason. You guys should re read your comments to me and you should feel ashamed and guilty to attack me for no reason other than me trying to defend people's decisions.

Really... I posted that people in bands get laid more that most and clubs are a meat market and your reply was that I was resentful towards some men ( See post 27 ). I gave my opinion of which probably 90% here would agree with and you start running your mouth. I guess people here can not disagree with you or you tell them to fuck off and quit bugging you. You should realise what you wrote and feel like a . I am not bitter or jaded as you put it ( again with your attacks ), I enjoy the hobby, use escorts due to my not being in 1 place more than a few months, love women and have respect for all ( most ).
A sorry would be nice. It would help me sleep tonight.
PS: I just read the post #25 you referred to.... WTF, you agreed with me that they are players. Not I really want a sorry.


Nov 12, 2007
I don't feel guilt or shame. However if does bother me to fork 400 to 600 bucks over to someone who in real life wouldn't give me the time of day. Seeing an SP's true colours come out like this [it happens more on terb] helps remind me of that and break the facade. I know because of marketing they have to derp on about how much they love their clients and their jobs and oddly enough although [again on terb] people laugh and those who believe the lies strippers tell, for some reason we are expected to believe what escorts say.
However you scratch the surface and I am betting more often than not you get a Brandi Bardot who is just one trigger statement from going bat shit crazy on people.

If there is anything that would make me want to quit the hobby it would be the desire not to enrich those who obviously have no respect for me. Alas there is no way to tell which ones really do and which ones don't because that is their job.

Some might call me jaded, anyone with any functioning brain cells would call me realisitc.

Then you and wasisname just kept attacking me for absolutely NO reason.

... I don't like these generalized statements that are made on the board.
If you think you need an escort to get laid than that is your problem. It's lack YOUR lack of confidence. Don't freak out on me for no reason and not expect me to not have a reaction to this.

I am not bitter and jaded like you guys....

I can tell you one thing for sure - if you go out to social places and have the attitude and treat women the way you spoke to me here and do feel resentful than you have only yourself to blame that you are stuck paying to sex.

Attacking. Errr no. Its called disagreeing. Until you took the gloves off then I went Captian Obvious on you. I know as someone who is cute and has a Vagina you are not used to having people stand up to you but welcome to the world the rest of us live in. If you take that as attacking than that says lot more about you than the rest of us.

You don't like generalized statements... then makes generalized statement. A statement which is provided from a position of true and utter ignorance of what some of us have to go through. Said it before and I'll say it again. Normals don't get it. Females don't get it. Female normals in particular just don't get it. But hey, go ahead with your generalized and completely wrong statements. Because hey, you are a special little snowflake and nothing you do is wrong, shame those bad bad men attack you. As an Incel who has known lots of incels, I find your "understanding" and sympathy for our kind to be laughable and insulting. But please go ahead. Maybe I'd tell the board about how homeless people should just clean up and take jobs and how third world starvin marvings should just eat something and how rape victims should just fight back. Because hey, I'm not homeless, I am not starving and I am under no threat of rape, in fact the exact opposite so I can't think of anyone who is in a better position to tell those people what is wrong and what they should do.

Also if anyone had a freak out for no reason its you. You should like someone who would smack somebody in the face and than complain when you get hit back.

You are so bitter and jaded. You just lie about it for marketing purposes. It drips through your posts in this thread. It drips through your massive overreaction to anyone who dares take a counter position to yours a position that the vast majority of people would hold. Everyone knows people in bands get laid like rock stars... fuck its even a phrase and even club kids know that generally speaking seeking a decent dude in a club is a bit like seeking a gangster thug at sunday mass. Just because it happens doesn't mean that they arn't generally true. I even pointed out that there are band guys who can't get a date, but the basic statement is true.

Why the meltdown? Bitter and Jaded. QED.

But I guess you will delete your most recent post. Hopefully the quotes stay and the thread stays because people should know what you are really like.

jeff jones

Mar 23, 2009
At cleo's
Anyone knows that people who play in bands for the most part get laid without even trying, it just goes hand in hand with the line of work they are in. In my younger days i knew several guys that played in local popular bands and they got laid without even trying. If they weren't in the band they would have had to work for it like the rest of us.



Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
I won't delete my post. I've asked Fred to delete my account and I don't want to meet anyone on merb.
I have only said there is not ONE WAY TO look at things so I have nothing more to say about this. I advise to keep an open mind and am attacked.

Good luck to you all. enjoying your trolling, disagreements and attacking.

Well this is sad, I was enjoying your insights Brandi !:thumb:

Best of luck

Warmest Regards


jeff jones

Mar 23, 2009
At cleo's
People on this board need thicker skin, if you are going to give it then you better be prepared to take it.



Nov 12, 2007
.I have only said there is not ONE WAY TO look at things so I have nothing more to say about this. I advise to keep an open mind and am attacked.

Good luck to you all. enjoying your trolling, disagreements and attacking. .

You keep using phrases like open mind and words like attacked and trolling. I don't think those things mean what you think it means.


Also, you have said that there is only one way to look at things. Your way. Anyone who disagrees with you is a troll, an attacker and a horrible person.
I am so glad I never saw you.

This reminds me of a guy I knew who claimed with a straight face that he wasn't a racist because he only disliked "Paikis" and "Ragheads" I guess we were just trolling him and attacking him unfairly when we laughed at him and pointed out the contradicted. Us bastards not keeping an open mind.


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
I don't SOLELY get approached in clubs or bars but from my experience doing this I wish more shy guys approached me and it's made me conscientious of MY OWN attitude when I am in public to flirt with guys who maybe aren't the ones who will approach me with ease.

Whether a guy will act shy or not depends on him but also on circumstances. I think some guys who approach you with confidence in a club might act shy if they were to see you as an escort. It can be intimidating when it's the first time you see a sex worker and many men don't feel comfortable with that to start with. The stigma against buying sex is learned since a young age and even when the mind knows it's rubbish some of it remains. In a way, seeing an escort can be a humbling experience, while a guy in a club can go out of his way to prove his worth. It's a completely different dynamic and a guy acting confident in a club can be the same guy acting shy with an escort.


Apr 29, 2012
on the border
I do not mind that the ladies only pretend that they enjoy time with me. I am not so stupid to assume otherwise. What however bothers me is when some ladies do not put on any effort to pretend. This IMHO is unprofessional! :). And I would like to ask initiator of this thread. If you feel guilt and shame than what are you doing here? If you don’t have conviction that the hobby is not immoral and you cause no harm practicing it than how you can continue to do it? I came to conclusion that the hobby and how I participate in it is not immoral. If you have different opinion than quit, end of discussion.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Does a Gentlemen attack ladies?

It's not an attack, she mentioned things that were disputable and could not handle the rebuttal and started being rude. Easy to walk away and say fuck it we are trolls and does not want to meet any merb members. Anyone says something false about me ( resentful towards some men ) and I will prove they are wrong. Being a lady does not excuse her from a discussion, she handled it poorly.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Whether a guy will act shy or not depends on him but also on circumstances. I think some guys who approach you with confidence in a club might act shy if they were to see you as an escort. It can be intimidating when it's the first time you see a sex worker and many men don't feel comfortable with that to start with. The stigma against buying sex is learned since a young age and even when the mind knows it's rubbish some of it remains. In a way, seeing an escort can be a humbling experience, while a guy in a club can go out of his way to prove his worth. It's a completely different dynamic and a guy acting confident in a club can be the same guy acting shy with an escort.

I used to shake like a leaf with an escort....I miss those days!


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
In a way, seeing an escort can be a humbling experience, while a guy in a club can go out of his way to prove his worth. It's a completely different dynamic and a guy acting confident in a club can be the same guy acting shy with an escort.

Have you tried the DENNIS system? You reminded me of tenant #1 D= Demonstrate Value.

If that doesn't work there is always try the MAC system...and if that still doesn't work just use a wad of 100's to buy magnum condoms in the presence of a few ladies you want to pursue (that was Frank's system)


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
It's too elaborate. But this despicable manipulation is perfectly acceptable socially, unlike a consensual and mutually beneficial arrangement of the mercantile variety.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Dennis's roommate is named Mac. He used the MAC system or Move in After Completion.


Oct 20, 2011
that's a good way to put it wasisname.
I started thinking about all this after my recent poor experience with an escort. That really forced me to look at how much escorts respect us. I dont expect them to be excited about beiing with clients but some girls dont even try. In my experience these are usually the young girls.
anyway that's another discussion.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I started thinking about all this after my recent poor experience with an escort. That really forced me to look at how much escorts respect us. I dont expect them to be excited about beiing with clients but some girls dont even try. In my experience these are usually the young girls.

Its because young girls are in part some that are just there for an easy $$ to pay there college funds or they want to party up and have fun. Those often quit after 6 months to a year. More mature SPs usually have a different kind of life and if there still in that business its because they enjoy it, at least to an extent.

I remember one time i had 2 experiences that where "meh" as in not horrible but i didnt got much satisfaction out of it... And i took me 3 months to get enough money to come to mtl back then, so when i had 2 bad ones back to back it meant 6 months of money wasted... I was piss and almost quited... but the third one was the charm and i bounced back.

Nowadays i come more often... sometimes once a month, BUT thats why i like the confort of my regular agencies/indies. I know i will have a great time and it will be worth it. Back then i remember eveytime i wanted to see again one girl, she quited or something before my next trip... it was never possible lol.


Nov 12, 2007
that's a good way to put it wasisname.
I started thinking about all this after my recent poor experience with an escort. That really forced me to look at how much escorts respect us. I dont expect them to be excited about beiing with clients but some girls dont even try. In my experience these are usually the young girls.
anyway that's another discussion.

I've never had a bad experience with an escort in terms of them giving the impression they didn't respect me. They range from seeming very friendly to at least friendly enough.

However sadly based on my real life experiences where girls generally don't give me the time of day and look down on me I have to assume that it is the professionalism showing through, that they are good at hiding any dislike or lack of respect for me they might have. I am sure some 20 something or 30 something seeing some 6'2 300 pound guy coming through the door who I am guessing must be showing some signs of awkwardness must look at me and think, bah, what a loser well time to make the money, at least he is polite and seems concerned in not causing offence and I am obviously not going to end up in a garbage bag down by the river. Maybe I am not as bad as all that but how would I ever know, sure they say nice things but it isn't as if they were not going to.

Hell there is one person in real life non escort who said on line that I might be a desperate weirdo but at least I listen well so I am good for something. Sadly for me this is as good as it gets. That person has no idea that I read this comment and when I read it I was kinda shocked as otherwise she seemed to treat me like a human being.

It isn't just an escort thing. People who work in the public services industry are very good at treating people they don't like or even can't stand as if they were human beings. Part of the job.

So yeah, it does bother me a bit spending wads of cash I don't really have on women who in real life wouldn't give me the time of day and for very real reasons. However for some odd reasons those thoughts generaly don't pop up during a session and I often leave feeling invigerated at least for a while. Also it is either paying for it or no contact at all so meh.

It also does occur to me that spending a few hundred bucks every few months on a couple of hours of female contact is kinda stupid. A couple of hours every say 3 months does nothing to take the edge off the touch craving I have and as for busting a nut, Princess Sofia is quite happy with Mr Hand. For me at least it is a lot of cash and over the course of the year is it really worth it. Considering it is just a matter of time before you pick up the herpes. If I won the lotto and could go at 'er every day or even once a week it would be a different story.
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