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The Sad Truth: Some Escorts Think We're Losers!


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Jan 13, 2004
The Da of the Dasein
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« Some Escorts Think We're Losers! »

Well, well, welll...

Isn't possible to perceive behind the very judgmental assertion of that statement the blatant expression of a psychanalytical act of transference?

What is here the import of the existential or sortal quantifier « some »?

How does the epithet « looser » applies to hobbysts? Is it in general, in the whole spectrum of their life? Is it only in relation to the act of seeing escorts? Or is it related to the hic et nunc fact that you have chosen a certain escort issuing such a peremptory judgment?


Out of Order
Jun 25, 2010
Sex is a trade, it's the oldest job in the book, in history, it's also a tool that women have used for centuries to get what they want eversince 'chivalry' came into being. It's legally two adults who do whatever they want to do behind closed doors. Not everyone is a loser on either side of the trade. A self-hating SP who drinks on the job or takes quite large amounts of drugs is a "loser". A client who has no standards, isn't it really hobbying either, but has everything from a mental, psychological and physical perspective to be perceived as a loser, is a loser because the label just fits.

Some SPs actually make it. An example is the ex-SP who is now the proud owner of the Strom Spa on Nuns Island (that is the rumour I heard from an SP). Or Nathalie McLennan (although, it is possible that she is actually the owner of the Strom, I don't know). Ofcourse, after an SP is done with the business, she dissapears, we don't know what's she done with her life.

In the end it all comes down to intelligence. If you do the job like she does, but you put some money on the side, and then start your own business eventually with those savings. Than that kind of woman is hardly a loser.

As for men, usually, we're losers for other reasons, not because we can't get laid (although that's not the case for me, I can get laid perfectly fine)
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New Member
Oct 25, 2010
I have one thing to say about this : WHO CARES WHAT THE SP THINKS !

This is a financial transaction; as long as the specs on the product and the price is the deal.

Give the SP the respect you would for any other party in any other kind of transaction.

The point of paying for sex is to bypass all the headaches of seduction, approval, etc that comes with dating.

If you care about what an SP thinks of you, you are seeking approval. Approval, sex & money spells : spend your money on RéseauContact finding, dining and getting a GF !!!

Besides, when it comes to sex, nobody rides for free. AND time is money, too.

Marriage is a contract. Dating isn't free. And unless you look like Brad Pitt or are a millionaire, no woman gives it away. And when they do give it away to the rich guy or the male model, they, whether they know it or not, often consider those freebies loss-leaders used to land the big fish. Just like men do when they send drinks to girls in bars. Small loss to possibly win big. Consider it a lottery ticket.

Grow up. Wake up.

When you get what you want for a price you are happy with, it doesn't matter what the rest of the world thinks.
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New Member
Oct 25, 2010
Considering there have now been 58 posts made in this thread, my guess is that many (including yourself) do seem to care. ;)

I posted my comment to respond to my fellow MEN that seem to confuse many distinct concepts, not to respond to the SPs on this thread.

And I like a good discussion as much as the next guy.

AND reading myself back, I should, in light of DOC's post, have titled my post : YOU SHOULDN'T CARE WHAT AN SP THINKS.
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Fun n games til some1...
Dec 29, 2010
I think Doc Holliday mentioned this as did Techman (much more bluntly :cool:)...

Guys have learned to be efficient - $$ for sex. Forget the hrs, days, wks, months of "dating" / hitting on / trying to impress a woman. Just pay the admission price, see the show and when it's over, go home/bed.

Woman who think of us as ATMs, haha... good, just keep pushin' the right buttons and I'll dispense! :cool:

Guys pay in the end regardless - upfront or down the line, end game is we're going to pay someway, somehow!


Fun n games til some1...
Dec 29, 2010
...We're just Johns. No more, no less.
Bud Fox, I'd rather be called an ATM than a John.

That's kinda like called SP's, whores... they are service providers. They provide a service, schedule an appointment, assess needs, have restrictions, go thru a routine, ask if you want a follow-up. Hey don't MDs do that? Lawyers? Architects? Accountants? Consultants? Guess everyone who offers a service to another person should be called a Whore! Sooooooo fucking ancient with that thinking IMO - something we should weed outta this industry.

Be progressive - we're not Johns, if u wanna be, got for it. I honestly would rather a lady call me an "ATM" than a "John."


Fun n games til some1...
Dec 29, 2010
...Dating isn't free. And unless you look like Brad Pitt or are a millionaire, no woman gives it away. And when they do give it away to the rich guy or the male model, they, whether they know it or not, often consider those freebies loss-leaders used to land the big fish. Just like men do when they send drinks to girls in bars. Small loss to possibly win big. Consider it a lottery ticket.

Grow up. Wake up.

[ read with drinkin' buddies tone ]
2 Names gdorian: Sheen + Fleiss

I think you're WAaaaaaaaaaaay off with that statement... Brad Pitt types and uBer-rich types don't pay??? They pay and usually way more than us, of course it's relative so let's just say they pay. Celebs pay. Pro athletes pay... boy do they ever like paying! :cool:


New Member
Oct 25, 2010
The rich, the powerful, the male models and athletes DO PAY.

BUT they get lots of freebies from girls that think they'll land a big fish like them.

Freebies, that an ordinary guy (like most of us) couldn't get.

Just hang around the MTL Canadiens' players and you'll see how they line up around the block to do those guys for free thinking they're the next hockey wife...

I've worked in bars long enough to know that.

Self-delusion is great, isn't it ?
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
The rich, the powerful, the male models and athletes DO PAY.

BUT they get lots of freebies from girls that think they'll land a big fish like them.

Freebies, that an ordinary guy (like most of us) couldn't get.

Just hang around the MTL Canadians' players and you'll see how they line up around the block to do those guys for free thinking they're the next hockey wife...

I've worked in bars long enough to know that.

Yes. That is one of the things I mentioned. If you are ordinary no hot girl will pay attention unless you are a stud that is six foot with muscles, or someone important or a celebrity like a hockey player, hip hop singer, etc...


Fun n games til some1...
Dec 29, 2010
...BUT they get lots of freebies from girls that think they'll land a big fish like them. Freebies, that an ordinary guy (like most of us) couldn't get...
Freebies, yep - they get more. Which leads me to believe that if a camera crew followed me around as I worked, my Freebie factor would shoot thru the roof as well. I'll start with Youtube posts and take it from there. :cool:


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Yep if this isn't "loser" enough, what is?

One can say that if one can't get sex for free and therefore are paying for it makes some sort of sense. However renting companionship is just pathetic. Multi hour dinner dates, theatre, shows, expensive gifts..... to get to know a complete stranger who just finished f#$%ng some other guys is beyond hope. Some of these guys are so delusional to even think sps enjoy their company. No wonder sps think these guys are losers.

We're just Johns. No more, no less.

Sometimes when I read reviews I think they will end with a big burst of Sally Field emotion "The first time I didn't feel it, but this time I feel it, and I can't deny the fact that you like me, right now, you like me!"


New Member
Mar 3, 2011
There is not much you can do about what other people think. It is when they say it to you that things start to go bad. What would be the motive for an escort to say that to you during paid encounter? Would it be to ruin the mood and take away your dignity and lessen your pleasure?


Mar 26, 2007
I have had numerous discussion with some escort and heard this comments...they did not say losers....but rather other words...just the way some of hobbyist think of escort of being stupid for doing this job and not doing other is 2 way thing


Women's willing plaything
Oct 9, 2003
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Here's m two cents on this: It goes back to female psychology. A woman can get laid anytime she wants. Ever since she was 14, her world is essential a 24/7 drive thru of cock. Every man she has met since that time has been trying to get in her pants. The idea that someone can't get laid is alien to them. It is sub-human. Someone desperately trying to get laid smacks of neediness and lameness to them.

Never ever suggest to a woman that you haven't gotten laid in a while or that you don't have options. When meeting an SP you already start on the back foot compared to meeting normal women because due to the situation. You must diffuse that by acting as if your time is so valuable that quickies are all you can get or that you are in a comitted relationship and simply using SPs for variety as opposed to cheating on your wife. Both of these an SP will respect, but when she comes in to your place and there's just a couch and a computer and it's the middle of a workday, it screams out loser to them.


New Member
Oct 25, 2010
Here's m two cents on this: It goes back to female psychology. A woman can get laid anytime she wants. Ever since she was 14, her world is essential a 24/7 drive thru of cock. Every man she has met since that time has been trying to get in her pants. The idea that someone can't get laid is alien to them. It is sub-human. Someone desperately trying to get laid smacks of neediness and lameness to them.

Never ever suggest to a woman that you haven't gotten laid in a while or that you don't have options. When meeting an SP you already start on the back foot compared to meeting normal women because due to the situation. You must diffuse that by acting as if your time is so valuable that quickies are all you can get or that you are in a comitted relationship and simply using SPs for variety as opposed to cheating on your wife. Both of these an SP will respect, but when she comes in to your place and there's just a couch and a computer and it's the middle of a workday, it screams out loser to them.

Missing the point, I think.

Escorts represent one thing for women, in general, whether they are SPs or not...a competitive offer driving the price of (manipulative) pussy down.

Any vitriol sent a JOHN's way is mostly venom stemming from a slipping grip on a once stronghold over an uncontrollable male impulse.

I believe that venom is the byproduct of the duality between the need for $$$ and the need for control.

Becoming an SP does not clarify this dialectic dilemma.

Basically, women want to control men with zero personal investment, and maximum return, it's a natural imperative.

But they do not want to need for anything. They need security without a penis clause ====> $$$$

Solution: vagina auction.

End result, fleeting impression of liberty through a vagina-penis transaction...woops !!! No different then what was supposed to be avoided ====> vengeful words.

Projection of guilt, if you're Freudian.

Wow...I really need to stop reading COSMO...

But sadly, it's so true.

P.S. No part of this REALLY involves us (men), back to my original point...we should not care what an SP thinks.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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I remember one time a SP told me that if she ever went to see a customer and when he opened the door he looked like Colin Farrell(example she used) that she simply would not charge him, I will always remember this comment that was said to me by the SP.
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