There's no doubt Bruins fans admire Chara as a player and a person, which you say indicates..."zero morality".
Do you know what is a syllogism, Merlot ? An exemple of a kind of syllogism ? 1/ My mother loves flower 2/ All the gays love flower = 3/ So My mother is gay...
- Sayin : 1/ You say that you need zero morality to admire Chara 2/ Boston's fan admire Chara as a player and as a person = 3/ So you said that ALL the Bruin's fan have zero morality
is a kind of syllogism...
- Sayin 1/ You don't like Chara as a person 2/ Chara is a bruins' player = 3/ you're a Bruins hater
is also a stupid kind of syllogism
So yes Merlot, the facts show that the way you summurize other's posts can be dishonnest when you talk about the Bruins...
Gentle wrote the respect he has for the Bruins and you can check that my prediction for this series was 4-2 for the bruins. We just don't like Chara as a person, realy sorry... Stop being so paranoid plse..