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Ask us anything part 3

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
As a SP, would you be willing to accept payment by crypto currency?

Only if it's Litecoin because I use it for my ads !

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
That comes across as pretty cynical but I do see your points. And I wrote it in the first post, legitimate means someone who is an SP by choice, opposite to a victim doing it because of sex trafficking or coercion.

Because that's the real goal here, keep fighting sex trafficking while giving SPs more rights and protection. Sex trafficking is the reason why banks and customs give you a hard time.

You achieve that goal by implementing full decriminalization, not regulation. Regulation hurts the most vulnerable sex workers (and I said sex workers, not trafficking victims just to be clear).

There are already laws against trafficking. Adding rules and inviting the government in our bedrooms doesn't help anyone. But decriminalizing our industry completely would make it easier for victims to report crimes against them without fear of being treated like criminals too. Which would actually happen if we had regulations. Can you imagine a police officer asking a trafficking victim to show them her license? Or proof that she got tested recently? So anxiety inducing and could prevent so many victims from seeking the help they need.

Because victims do in fact get treated like criminals more often than not.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
How do you ensure no stds for yourself and clients?
There's no way to guarantee it but we prevent it as best as we can by using safe sex practices and getting tested every 4 to 12 weeks that way we can detect and treat an STI early on and avoid transmitting it to a bunch of people.

Knocking on wood, I haven't caught an STI in the 9 years I've been doing this!

Edited to add : also fyi we moved from saying STD to saying STI because most are infections and only turn into diseases if left untreated. Disease is a much more stigmatized word that actually keeps many people from getting tested out of shame, so using the correct terminology is helpful :)


Out of Order
Jun 25, 2010
Probably a question already asked: how often have you ended up in a relationship with a client in your few or many years of career.

And I think the question can also be answered by merbites, have you dated an SP and if more than one in your years of hobbying, then how many?

Although, I understand if your answer is “a gentleman or lady never kisses and tells” ;)
Oh well, I guess this was a question where the answers are best kept secret :p

Although I’m surprised no merbites wanted to share if they ever dated one or more SPs over the years.

Enjoying life

Dec 2, 2024
There's no way to guarantee it but we prevent it as best as we can by using safe sex practices and getting tested every 4 to 12 weeks that way we can detect and treat an STI early on and avoid transmitting it to a bunch of people.

Knocking on wood, I haven't caught an STI in the 9 years I've been doing this!

Edited to add : also fyi we moved from saying STD to saying STI because most are infections and only turn into diseases if left untreated. Disease is a much more stigmatized word that actually keeps many people from getting tested out of shame, so using the correct terminology is helpful :)
It’s a great feeling when your sp is just as safe as you!


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
I noticed that several SP advertise dom/sub services... is it frequent that you play both roles in the same session? Like first part dom them switch to sub for the other half of the session (not sure if my question is clear... )
It's not being answered so will give my own situation. In Dom/Sub.

Domme, I'm still learning, I can do it with my partner but most men don't want the bf/master in the room understandably, and also have a duo partner to mentor me if the client is willing, otherwise the situations I have been in, I had to ask a lot of questions before the appointment to see if I could fill the role they were looking for. But if I have a domme power over someone, my inner beast refuses to ever let them get the upper hand. They could try, but will just be met with being shown their position is as the sub.

Sub, not so much. It takes a gfe visit first to see if the gent has the kind of personality and vibe I am willing to be submissive with. I very much find most men who call themselves Doms don't deserve the submission and unless it comes naturally from me, it just isn't going to happen, their in for a powerstruggle fight. Trying to be submissive if I don't feel it for the person, has me hating them by half way threw the visit and I just want it done then. So I refuse to agree to an initial first time visit as a sub, untill I know the gent gives the right vibe I need, to enjoy the submissive role with him. (It is a role I often keep for my relationship, as it takes a lot of trust for me.)

It isn't something I can play games with. It is why it depends on the chemistry I have with the gent. Upon meeting the first time for gfe, I know what position either of us has in the who's more dom or sub. Switching just isn't in me. I can't just treat it like a game. It is what it is within us already. I am really no good with playing pretend.

But I tend to think when someone writes dom/sub, they mean they can play either role. Its not necessarily both roles in the same visit, but most who offer both might likely, unlike me, be able to just switch easily.
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S.S neo

Active Member
Apr 28, 2007
It's not being answered so will give my own situation. In Dom/Sub.

Domme, I'm still learning, I can do it with my partner but most men don't want the bf/master in the room understandably, and also have a duo partner to mentor me if the client is willing, otherwise the situations I have been in, I had to ask a lot of questions before the appointment to see if I could fill the role they were looking for. But if I have a domme power over someone, my inner beast refuses to ever let them get the upper hand. They could try, but will just be met with being shown their position is as the sub.

Sub, not so much. It takes a gfe visit first to see if the gent has the kind of personality and vibe I am willing to be submissive with. I very much find most men who call themselves Doms don't deserve the submission and unless it comes naturally from me, it just isn't going to happen, their in for a powerstruggle fight. Trying to be submissive if I don't feel it for the person, has me hating them by half way threw the visit and I just want it done then. So I refuse to agree to an initial first time visit as a sub, untill I know the gent gives the right vibe I need, to enjoy the submissive role with him. (It is a role I often keep for my relationship, as it takes a lot of trust for me.)

It isn't something I can play games with. It is why it depends on the chemistry I have with the gent. Upon meeting the first time for gfe, I know what position either of us has in the who's more dom or sub. Switching just isn't in me. I can't just treat it like a game. It is what it is within us already. I am really no good with playing pretend.

But I tend to think when someone writes dom/sub, they mean they can play either role. Its not necessarily both roles in the same visit, but most who offer both might likely, unlike me, be able to just switch easily.
Interesting! Thanks !


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2007
Is that a common thing...? where are you getting the intel that women are orgasming and not saying so...
I have to say that this is one of the funniest turns this thread has ever taken for me. I feel like I have to re-examine my entire history in the hobby. It's now clear to me that many of the SPs I've seen have been exceptionally gifted in hiding their sexual ecstasy from me. And all those times it seemed like they were ready for me to finish, they really wanted me to keep going? Oh yeah. I'm going to like this new world.

I've sometimes wondered if some of the escort Os described in the review section might have been, um, exaggerated. Now I'm thinking it's the opposite. "Hey, lady, did you just fake not having an orgasm with me?"

(I hope I'm not being rude. I just love the idea that SPs are having Os and holding back to keep the fella going.)


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
Why do so many girls not tell when they O?
Not everyone has the ability to express what they are going threw in the moment. Personally when I'm close, there's a block in being able to say anything, or express verbally about almost being at the peak.
Is it because they want us to keep going?
Lol.. joy of being a woman, not all mind you, but some can just keep rolling out O's. A man might need a break between rounds, but for some women, it can just keep happening, so long as they keep recieving pleasure. If I'm on a role, no I don't want him to stop.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
How do you make sure the neighbors don't report an incall (business in a residential building) in a condo or apartment building?

I'm not really aware of every time my neighbors get visitors and I assume they're also not glued to the hallway to spy on others' visitors. Most neighbors never even notice and the few that do often don't care as long as it doesn't affect them. And even then "know" is a strong word because they know you get male visitors and they might know you're having sex but you could just be a promiscuous person...

In my opinion there's no way to "make sure" you don't get reported because the type of neighbor that would report you for being a SW isnt going to be convinced not to. People who hate sex workers often want them dead so I promise there's no convincing them not to report you. Fortunately it's just very rare that neighbors even notice.
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