It's a fat guy who wants to lose weight. So, he is going to a ' health center ' deep in the woods to lose weight.
The first day, he tries the first therapy for $500 to lose 1 kilogram. He is shown to a little door. Inside, he finds a big gymnasium with a lot a stairs. In the middle of the gymnasium, a beautiful girl tells him that if he catches her, he can do whatever he wants. Of course, the fat guy runs after her, but the girl is difficult to catch, so it took him one hour to catch her. Afterwards, he made love to her. At the end of the day, he is happy to discover that he lost 1 kilogram.
The second day, he tries the second therapy for $1,500 to lose 3 kilograms. He is shown another door. Inside, he finds an enormous park with hills, rivers to cross, trees to climb on, etc. Another girl, even more beautiful that the first one, tells him that if he catches her, he can do whatever he wants. After 2 long hours of running, he finally catch her and made once again love to her. At the end of the day, he is happy to discover that he lost 3 kilograms.
Then, the third day, he tries the third therapy for $5,000 to lose 10 kilograms. He is shown another door. He finds himself in a tiny room (5x5 meters). He is wondering why. Then, suddenly the door claps behind him and the door is being locked. The fat guy finds himself in front of a 2 meters guy with a monstrous hard who says : If I catch you, I'll xxx you ass.